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Maps of Drenthe

Antique maps of Drenthe
On this page you can find maps of Drenthe
First there are the maps of the province of Drenthe followed by the communities and the plans and views

last update: Dec-16-2024

Maps of Drenthe on Atlas and Map
thmbnail of Kaart van de Omstreken van Paterswolde en de Omstreken van AssenKaart van de Omstreken van Paterswolde en de Omstreken van Assen
by Craandijk
184410 X 15 cm88 euro
thmbnail of Kaart van de provincie DrentheKaart van de provincie Drenthe
by F. Desterbecq
184056 X 46 cm259 euro
thmbnail of Drentia Comitatus : Transisulaniae Tabula II Auctore Cornelio Pynacker I. C.Drentia Comitatus : Transisulaniae Tabula II Auctore Cornelio Pynacker I. C.
by Cornelis Pijnacker, A van den Broeck
168352.5 X 38.5 cm290 euro
thmbnail of DrentheDrenthe
by N.W. Posthumus en Dr. J.M. van Bemmelen
188123 X 20 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of DrentheDrenthe
by Posthumus, van Bemmelen, Brinkman
1885ca23 X 19 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of DrentheDrenthe
by Posthumus, van Bemmelen, Brinkman
1885ca23 X 19 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of DrenteDrente
by Winkler Prins
190722 X 29 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Kaart van de Provincie Drenthe .Kaart van de Provincie Drenthe .
by Puls
187937 X 32 cmsold
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thmbnail of t Landschap Drenthet Landschap Drenthe
by Elwé, Langeveld
178624.5 X 18 cmsold
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thmbnail of DrentheDrenthe
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186350.5 X 40.5 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of DrentheDrenthe
by J. Smulders en Co
1882ca34 X 53 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Drentia ComitatusDrentia Comitatus
by Johannes Janssonius
164953 X 39 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Illustribus ac Potentibus Comitatus Drentiae D.D. StratoribusIllustribus ac Potentibus Comitatus Drentiae D.D. Stratoribus
by Hendricus Hondius
163448 X 38 cmsold
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thmbnail of De GermaniaDe Germania
by Sebastian Munster
155016.5 X 19.5 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Tabula Dominii Groeningae quae et Complectitur Maximam Partem Drentiae Emendata A.F. De WitTabula Dominii Groeningae quae et Complectitur Maximam Partem Drentiae Emendata A.F. De Wit
by Wit, Frederik de
167060 X 54 cmsold
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thmbnail of Blad AssenBlad Assen
by Berghaus
182334 X 23 cmsold
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Go to the maps of the region | Go to the maps of the communities | Go to the plans and views
Maps of communities in Drenthe on Atlas and Map
thmbnail of AnlooAnloo
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm63 euro
thmbnail of Assen (Gemeente)Assen (Gemeente)
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm104 euro
thmbnail of Assen (Stad)Assen (Stad)
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186817.5 X 13.5 cm125 euro
thmbnail of BeilenBeilen
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm104 euro
thmbnail of BorgerBorger
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm83 euro
thmbnail of CoevordenCoevorden
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186617.5 X 13.5 cm83 euro
thmbnail of DalenDalen
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186717.5 X 13.5 cm83 euro
thmbnail of De WijkDe Wijk
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm94 euro
thmbnail of DieverDiever
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm83 euro
thmbnail of DwingeloDwingelo
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm62 euro
thmbnail of EeldeEelde
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm145 euro
thmbnail of EmmenEmmen
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm125 euro
thmbnail of GasselteGasselte
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm63 euro
thmbnail of GietenGieten
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm63 euro
thmbnail of HavelteHavelte
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm73 euro
thmbnail of HoogeveenHoogeveen
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm94 euro
thmbnail of MeppelMeppel
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm145 euro
thmbnail of NijeveenNijeveen
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm63 euro
thmbnail of NorgNorg
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186518.5 X 15 cm73 euro
thmbnail of OdoornOdoorn
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm104 euro
thmbnail of OosterhesselenOosterhesselen
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm83 euro
thmbnail of PeizePeize
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm63 euro
thmbnail of Provincie DrentheProvincie Drenthe
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186613.5 X 17.5 cm145 euro
thmbnail of RodenRoden
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm82 euro
thmbnail of RoldeRolde
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm104 euro
thmbnail of RuinenRuinen
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm83 euro
thmbnail of RuinerwoldRuinerwold
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm104 euro
thmbnail of SleenSleen
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm63 euro
thmbnail of SmildeSmilde
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm63 euro
thmbnail of VledderVledder
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm83 euro
thmbnail of VriesVries
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm94 euro
thmbnail of WesterborkWesterbork
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm83 euro
thmbnail of ZuidlarenZuidlaren
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm83 euro
thmbnail of ZuidwoldeZuidwolde
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186517.5 X 13.5 cm83 euro
thmbnail of ZweeloZweelo
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
186513.5 X 17.5 cm63 euro

Plans of cities in on
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Japan en Korea

Kuyper maps
Gemeente Waspik

J.H. van Zuylen van Nieveldt

Townplans and views
Nijmegen: Noviomagium, sive Noviomagum vulgo Nijmmegen ...

Books and atlasses
FACSIMILE: Gemeente-Atlas van de provincie Friesland 1861

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