Plans of cities in on |
Town | Title/Maker | Year | Measures | Price | |
 | ´t Dorp Eertswoude, 1726 by H. Spilman, C. Pronk | 1745 | 10,5 X 8 cm | sold
Alkmaar: 19 items | Visit our page of the city of Alkmaar |
Amstelveen: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Amstelveen |
Amsterdam: 109 items | Visit our page of the city of Amsterdam |
Amsterdam, Baarn
 | Het Paleis van den Kroonprins te Soestdijk; Het Paleis te Amsterdam; Het Paleis van Justitie by nn | 1836 | 7,5 X 14 cm | 47 euro
 | Het Weesje bij ´t Graf van de Ruiter by nn | 1835 | 13 X 10 cm | 16 euro
Bergen: 4 items | Visit our page of the city of Bergen |
Beverwijk: 7 items | Visit our page of the city of Beverwijk |
Bloemendaal: 6 items | Visit our page of the city of Bloemendaal |
Blokker: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Blokker |
Broek op Langedijk
 | Broek op Langedyk by A. Zeeman | 1732 | 8,5 X 7 cm | 32 euro
Castricum: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Castricum |
 | Driemonds by onbekend | 1750 | 20 X 14 cm cm | sold
Edam: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Edam |
Egmond: 13 items | Visit our page of the city of Egmond |
Egmond aan den Hoef: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Egmond aan den Hoef |
Egmond aan Zee: 7 items | Visit our page of the city of Egmond aan Zee |
Egmond-Binnen: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Egmond-Binnen |
Enkhuizen: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Enkhuizen |
Haarlem: 87 items | Visit our page of the city of Haarlem |
Haarlem, Harlem
 | Harlem, Het Koninglyke Paleis, Das Königliche Palais, Le Palais Royal by L. Rohbock, G. Heisinger | 1850ca | 17,5 X 12 cm | 42 euro
Haarlem, Heemstede
 | Aan de Heerenweg by Oud-Berkenrode na de Dorstige Kuil by H. Spilman | 1763 | 18 X 10 cm | 42 euro
Haarlem, Overveen
 | Overblyfsel van´t Huis Rolland by H. Spilman | 1763 | 18 X 10 cm | 42 euro
 | Gemeenlandshuis Zwanenburg by nn | 1850ca | 14 X 11,5 cm | 26 euro
 | De Spaarwouder of Amsterdamschepoort te Haarlem by J.E. la Farge, Emrik en Binger | 1874 | 20,5 X 17,5 cm | 37 euro
Heemskerk: 14 items | Visit our page of the city of Heemskerk |
Heemstede: 10 items | Visit our page of the city of Heemstede |
Heiloo: 4 items | Visit our page of the city of Heiloo |
Hoorn: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Hoorn |
 | Knollendam van de Zaan; ´t Zelve van den Starrenmeers-Dyk by J.Bulthuis, C.F. Bendorp | 1792 | 11 X 16,5 cm | 52 euro
 | ´t Dorp Koedyk 1726 by H. Spilman, C. Pronk | 1750ca | 10,5 X 8 cm | 32 euro
Koedijk, Haringhuizen
 | ´t Dorp Koedyk; ´t Dorp Haringhuizen. 1726 by H. Spilman, C. Pronk | 1750ca | 10,5 X 16,5 cm | 47 euro
 | Het dorp Kortenhoef by H. Spilman naar J. de Beijer | 1750ca | 10,5 X 8 cm | 37 euro
Kortenhoef, Ankeveen
 | Het dorp Kortenhoef; Het dorp Ankeveen by H. Spilman naar J. de Beijer | 1750ca | 10,5 X 15,5 cm | 52 euro
Kudelstaart: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Kudelstaart |
 | Kwadijk by A. Zeeman | 1732 | 8 X 7 cm | 32 euro
 | Laren by P.A. Schipperus | 1890 | 12 X 7 cm | 32 euro
Laren, Hilversum
 | De larener weg bij Hilversum; Steengevaarte bij den Trompenberg; Laren by P.A. Schipperus | 1890 | 21 X 14 cm | 83 euro
 | ´t Dorp Limmen by A.C. Brouwer | ca 1795 | 10,5 X 8,5 cm cm | 114 euro
 | Kerk van Lutkebroek, 1726 by H. Spilman, C. Pronk | 1745 | 10,5 X 8 cm | 32 euro
Lutjebroek, Hoogkarspel
 | Kerk van Lutkebroek, 1726; Kerk van Hoogkarspel, 1726 by H. Spilman, C. Pronk | 1745 | 10,5 X 16,5 cm | 42 euro
Marken: 22 items | Visit our page of the city of Marken |
Medemblik: 15 items | Visit our page of the city of Medemblik |
Monnickendam: 14 items | Visit our page of the city of Monnickendam |
Muiden: 28 items | Visit our page of the city of Muiden |
Muiden, Nieuwersluis
 | Hinderdam, Nieuwersluys, Muyden by Pieter van der Aa | 1680ca | 11,5 X 16,5 cm | 47 euro
Muiderberg: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Muiderberg |
Nederhorst den Berg: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Nederhorst den Berg |
 | Noorddorp by C.F. Bendorp, J. Bulthuis | 1790ca | 11 X 8,5 cm | 32 euro
Noordwijkerhout: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Noordwijkerhout |
Ouderkerk a/d Amstel: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Ouderkerk a/d Amstel |
Ouderkerk aan de Amstel: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Ouderkerk aan de Amstel |
 | The British Lines at Oude Sluys by Taylor | 1799 | 22,5 X 15 cm | 42 euro
 | ´t Dorp Ouddorp by Alkmaar. 1726 by H. Spilman, C. Pronk | 1750ca | 10,5 X 8 cm | 32 euro
Petten: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Petten |
Purmerend: 29 items | Visit our page of the city of Purmerend |
 | ´t Dorp Purmerland by H. Spilman | 1750ca | 11 X 8 cm | 32 euro
Ransdorp: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Ransdorp |
 | Abdij van Lewenhorst in Welstant Rijnsburg by Abraham Rademaker | 1732 | 11 X 7 cm | sold
 | Het Postkantoor te Rotterdam (in aanbouw) by H. Dilcher | 1875ca | 11,5 X 9 cm | 37 euro
S. Pancras bij Langedijk
 | S. Pancras bij Langedijk by Abraham Rademaker | 1732 | 11 X 7 cm | sold
Santpoort: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Santpoort |
 | Godt Seyde: dat d´Aerde Uytschiete Gras-scheutkens, Kruyt Saet-sayende, en Vrugtbaer geboomte. by Coenraet Decker | 1684 | 14 X 12,5 cm | sold
Santpoort-Zuid: 6 items | Visit our page of the city of Santpoort-Zuid |
Schagen: 5 items | Visit our page of the city of Schagen |
Schermerhorn: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Schermerhorn |
Sint Maarten
 | St. Maarten by A. Zeeman | 1732 | 8 X 7 cm | 32 euro
Sint Pancras: 6 items | Visit our page of the city of Sint Pancras |
Sloten: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Sloten |
Spaarndam: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Spaarndam |
Spaarnwoude: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Spaarnwoude |
 | Raadhuis te Spanbroek by Leo K. Zeldenrust | 1955ca | 16 X 21 cm | 125 euro
 | ´t Dorp Uitdam by H. Spilman | 1750ca | 11 X 8 cm | 32 euro
 | Uitgeest by Leo K. Zeldenrust | 1950ca | 17,5 X 23 cm | 125 euro
Uithoorn, Thamen: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Uithoorn, Thamen |
Velsen: 21 items | Visit our page of the city of Velsen |
Velsen, Driehuis: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Velsen, Driehuis |
 | Haegenvelt, de lustplaetze van den Ed. Achtbaren Heere Nicolaes Kalkoen by H. de Leth | 1730ca | 21 X 17 cm | 47 euro
Vrouwenakker, Nieuwkoop
 | De Vrouwen Akker bij den Uithoorn by H. Spilman | 1752 | 11 X 8 cm | 32 euro
 | Kerk van Watweide 1726 by H. Spilman, C. Pronk | 1750ca | 10,5 X 8 cm | 32 euro
 | Warmenhuysen by A. Zeeman | 1732 | 8,5 X 14 cm | 32 euro
Weesp: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Weesp |
West-Knollendam: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of West-Knollendam |
 | Wognum by Leo K. Zeldenrust | 1950ca | 13,5 X 18 cm | sold
 | Wormerveer by nn | 1835ca | 14,5 X 9 cm | 26 euro
 | Het huisje van Tsaar Peter by nn | 1835ca | 14 X 8 cm | 32 euro