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Maps of the Netherlands, Provincies and Communities

Antique maps of Netherlands
On this page you can find maps of Netherlands
For maps of regions (provincies) click on the region below:
Drenthe -- Friesland -- Gelderland -- Groningen -- Limburg -- Noord-Brabant -- Noord-Holland -- Overijssel -- Utrecht -- Zeeland -- Zuid-Holland last update: Feb-03-2025

Maps of Netherlands on Atlas and Map
thmbnail of De Bataafsche Republiek in 1801De Bataafsche Republiek in 1801
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Het Koningrijk der Nederlanden in 1839Het Koningrijk der Nederlanden in 1839
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cm26 euro
thmbnail of De republiek der Vereenigde Nederlanden in 1720De republiek der Vereenigde Nederlanden in 1720
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Nederland in 1560 Nederland in 1560
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cm26 euro
thmbnail of De Vereenigde Nederlanden in 1648 De Vereenigde Nederlanden in 1648
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cm26 euro
thmbnail of De Bataafsche Republiek in 1798De Bataafsche Republiek in 1798
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Het Koningrijk Holland in 1810Het Koningrijk Holland in 1810
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Holland and BelgiumHolland and Belgium
by F.P. Becker, Virtue
184820 X 25 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Carte de Belgique et de HollandeCarte de Belgique et de Hollande
by Thierry
184322 X 30 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Cleve et MursCleve et Murs
by Jodocus Hondius, Gerard Mercator
1608ca18.5 X 14 cm187 euro
thmbnail of Driehoeks-Meetingen der Bataafsche RepubliekDriehoeks-Meetingen der Bataafsche Republiek
by Onbekend
1800ca38 X 31 cm cm207 euro
thmbnail of Cholerae Asiaticae iter per Belgium septentrionale Ao 1832Cholerae Asiaticae iter per Belgium septentrionale Ao 1832
by Alexander Karel Willem Suerman
183525 X 23 cm207 euro
thmbnail of Belgii veteris typus Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrahami OrteliiBelgii veteris typus Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrahami Ortelii
by Petrus Kaerius
174149 X 38 cm311 euro
thmbnail of Cercle de BourogneCercle de Bourogne
by Mallet
1730ca10 X 15 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of A Chart of the Northern Ocean between the coasts of England and the United ProvincesA Chart of the Northern Ocean between the coasts of England and the United Provinces
by Thomas Kitchin, R. Balwin
178134.5 X 29 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Kaart van Nederland.Kaart van Nederland.
by Puls
187937,5 X 31,5 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Hollande et BelgiqueHollande et Belgique
by Monin
184220 X 26 cmsold
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thmbnail of Holland and BelgiumHolland and Belgium
by Hall
183920 X 24 cmsold
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thmbnail of Niederlande und BelgienNiederlande und Belgien
by Justus Perthes
186118 X 23 cmsold
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thmbnail of Nederland in de 1e EeuwNederland in de 1e Eeuw
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188115 X 19,5 cmsold
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thmbnail of Nederland in de 7e EeuwNederland in de 7e Eeuw
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188115 X 19,5 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Nederland. Gouwverdeeling omstreeks de 10e eeuwNederland. Gouwverdeeling omstreeks de 10e eeuw
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188115 X 19,5 cmsold
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thmbnail of Nederland in 1350Nederland in 1350
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188115 X 19,5 cmsold
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thmbnail of De Geunieerde Provincien in 1610 De Geunieerde Provincien in 1610
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cmsold
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thmbnail of Het Koningrijk Holland in 1806Het Koningrijk Holland in 1806
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of De Hollandsche Departementen van het Fransche Keizerrijk 1812.De Hollandsche Departementen van het Fransche Keizerrijk 1812.
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Het Koningrijk Der Nederlanden in 1815Het Koningrijk Der Nederlanden in 1815
by C.L. Brinkman, Amsterdam
188114,5 X 19 cmsold
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thmbnail of Pays-Bas et BelgiquePays-Bas et Belgique
by Dufour
184020 X 26 cmsold
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thmbnail of de Nederlanden, Luxemburg en Belgiëde Nederlanden, Luxemburg en België
by A. Baedeker
184425,5 X 21 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Holland and BelgiumHolland and Belgium
by Kelly
183420 X 25 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Netherlands now divided into Holland and BelgiumNetherlands now divided into Holland and Belgium
by A Black, C Black
184426 X 38 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of De NederlandenDe Nederlanden
by N.W. Posthumus en Dr. J.M. van Bemmelen
188124 X 30 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of The seven united provinces from the best AuthoritiesThe seven united provinces from the best Authorities
by nn
1760ca22 X 19 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Het Koningryk Der Nederlanden 1815Het Koningryk Der Nederlanden 1815
by De Erven Thierry en Mensing
185831,5 X 22 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Nederland op het einde der 13de EeuwNederland op het einde der 13de Eeuw
by De Erven Thierry en Mensing
185831,5 X 22 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Nederland 1530 de laatste tyden der Grafelijke regeringNederland 1530 de laatste tyden der Grafelijke regering
by De Erven Thierry en Mensing
185831,5 X 22 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Nederland 1648. De gevestigde republiek der vereenigde NederlandenNederland 1648. De gevestigde republiek der vereenigde Nederlanden
by De Erven Thierry en Mensing
185831,5 X 22 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Holland and BelgiumHolland and Belgium
by G.H. Swanston
1850 ca40 X 50 CM cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Belgium and the NetherlandsBelgium and the Netherlands
by Keith Johnston
1850 ca44 X 56 CM cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Hollande et Belgique par C.V. MoninHollande et Belgique par C.V. Monin
by C.V. Monin, Hocquart, :aguillermie
183928 X 40 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of HollandHolland
by A Black, C Black
184426 X 38 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of het Koningrijk der Nederlandenhet Koningrijk der Nederlanden
by A. Baedeker, Rotterdam
184426,5 X 21,5 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Voormalige bezittingen der Nederlanders buiten EuropaVoormalige bezittingen der Nederlanders buiten Europa
by De Erven Thierry en Mensing
185831,5 X 22 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Kaart van Nederland.Kaart van Nederland.
by Puls
187935,5 X 30,5 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Hollande et BelgiqueHollande et Belgique
by Migeon
187241 X 28 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Royaume des Pays BasRoyaume des Pays Bas
by Dufour
183535 X 42 cm cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Foederatae Belgicae TabulaFoederatae Belgicae Tabula
by Frederik de Wit
1670ca55 X 45 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Le XVII provinces del Paesi BassiLe XVII provinces del Paesi Bassi
by nn
1700ca18 X 14.5 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Les provinces des Pays BasLes provinces des Pays Bas
by Jan Luijken?
169725 X 18.5 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Frisiae VeterisFrisiae Veteris
by Schotanus
172539 X 48 cm cmsold
information about map on

Maps of dutch regions on Atlas and Map

Fresiae Haereditariae (Pars II) a Mosa in Kinnemum.
by Halma
172541 X 31 cm cm156 euro

Fresiae Universea
by Mensone Alting
172541 X 31 cm cm156 euro

Frisiae Haereditariae inter Scaldin et innemum
by Mensone Alting
172541 X 31 cm cm156 euro

Frisiae Liberae
by Halma
172541 X 31 cm cmsold

Plans and views on Atlas and Map

by nn
183513 X 7,5 cm11 euro

Een kasteel uit de veertiende eeuw
by E. Vermorcken
1865ca8,5 X 6 cm16 euro
De Lente
by nn
1835ca14 X 7,5 cm16 euro

Standbeeld op marktplein
by nn
1900ca9 X 6 cm21 euro

Een Stedewal van Buiten, 18e eeuw
by J. Hilverdink
1880ca21,5 X 15 cm26 euro
Fountain at Mayence
by Tombleson, Howard
1840ca16,5 X 12 cm26 euro
Motiv aus Holland
by H. Charlemont
ca 188019 X 11 cm cm32 euro
Neurenberg, Nuremberg
Hotel de Ville de Nuremberg
by Lemaitre
184210 X 15 cm32 euro
Out Seventer
by A. Rademaker
175011,5 X 8 cm32 euro

Hollands stadsgezicht
by F.H. Weissenbruch naar Cornelis Springer
1875ca15 X 19 cm47 euro
Grondteekening der Stad Arnhem
by H. de Leth
1740ca22 X 16,5 cm125 euro
Plan van de stad Leeuwaarden, Deventer, Groeningen en Zwol
by Hendrik de Leth
174021.5 X 18 cm156 euro
Haven van Harlingen, van de Zuiderzee te zien
by Matthias de Sallieth
178140 X 27 cm311 euro
Haus Gennep
by Merian
ca 166013 X 17 cm cmsold
Het slot Moermond bij Renesse
by nn, mogelijk J. van Genk naar H. van Geelen
1840ca10,5 X 9,5 cmsold
by Merian
ca 166017 X 16 cm cmsold
Omstreken van Nijmegen

Kuyper maps
Gemeente Waspik

Graaf Floris I., te Hemert, vermoord

Townplans and views
Heusden: Omstreken van Heusden, Schaal 1 : 100.000

Books and atlasses
FACSIMILE: Gemeente-Atlas van de provincie Friesland 1861

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