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Various antique prints

Prints of: Animals
Antique engravings and prints on the theme Animals. All prints are original from the time indicated.
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Title and makerDateMeasurePrice
thmbnail of étable hollandaiseétable hollandaise
by Jean-Baptiste Madou, Marcellin Jobard
1830ca21 X 14 cm42 euro
thmbnail of A brood of alligators hatchingA brood of alligators hatching
by A. Specht
189317 X 25 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Affe, Bieber, Cameel, DammhirschAffe, Bieber, Cameel, Dammhirsch
by nn
1800ca38 X 31 cm83 euro
thmbnail of African beef-eaterAfrican beef-eater
by John Latham
182214 X 18,5 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Afrikaansche Leeuw (Felis leo)Afrikaansche Leeuw (Felis leo)
by Richard Friels, Winkler Prins
190922 X 15 cm13 euro
thmbnail of AlbatrossenAlbatrossen
by Winkler Prins
1895ca13 X 24 cm11 euro
thmbnail of AlenAlen
by Winkler Prins
1895ca13.5 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Anhinga noir de CayenneAnhinga noir de Cayenne
by Francois-Nicolas Martinet
1775ca20 X 24 cm130 euro
thmbnail of Anser Bassanus, The Soland GooseAnser Bassanus, The Soland Goose
by Eleazar & Elisabeth Albin
173122 X 21 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Antilope rupicapra, antilope dorcasAntilope rupicapra, antilope dorcas
by C. Schultz
1850ca17 X 25 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Antilopen I (1)Antilopen I (1)
by Winkler Prins
1895ca27 X 23 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Antilopen II (2)Antilopen II (2)
by Winkler Prins
1895ca27 X 23 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Antilopen III (3)Antilopen III (3)
by Winkler Prins
1895ca23 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Apen der nieuwe wereldApen der nieuwe wereld
by Winkler Prins
1895ca22 X 15 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Apen der oude wereld I (1)Apen der oude wereld I (1)
by Winkler Prins
1895ca27 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Apen der oude wereld II (2)Apen der oude wereld II (2)
by Winkler Prins
1895ca13.5 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Apen der oude wereld III (3)Apen der oude wereld III (3)
by Winkler Prins
1895ca13.5 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of ArendenArenden
by Winkler Prins
1895ca27 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Arrivée de l´operateur a l´hostellerieArrivée de l´operateur a l´hostellerie
by G. Scotin naar Jean-baptiste Joseph. Pater
173138 X 30 cm311 euro
thmbnail of BeetlesBeetles
by nn
1910ca28 X 23 cm37 euro
thmbnail of BerenBeren
by Winkler Prins
190629 X 22.5 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Beschuttingsmiddelen bij dierenBeschuttingsmiddelen bij dieren
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm9 euro
thmbnail of BisonsBisons
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Blauw Weener konijnBlauw Weener konijn
by van Gink
191927 X 20 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kaoBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, aapBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, aap
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, insectBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, insect
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, karperBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, karper
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, konijnBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, konijn
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekelsBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekels
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, paardBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, paard
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, rattenBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, ratten
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, torBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, tor
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, visBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, vis
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, vis Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, vis
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boer en varkenBoer en varken
by nn
1900ca20 X 21 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Brachyurus SteeriiBrachyurus Steerii
by J.G. Keulemans
187724 X 17 cm156 euro
thmbnail of Bright-coloured FishesBright-coloured Fishes
by nn
1910ca21 X 13,5 cm26 euro
thmbnail of BuideldierenBuideldieren
by Winkler Prins
190629 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of CaterpillarsCaterpillars
by Alexander Reichert
1910ca28 X 23 cm37 euro
thmbnail of CephalopodaCephalopoda
by Dr. Etzold
1910ca22 X 15 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Chameau arabe ou DromedaireChameau arabe ou Dromedaire
by nn
185412 X 8 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Chameuax arabes, préparatifs du départ dŽune caravaneChameuax arabes, préparatifs du départ dŽune caravane
by nn
185415 X 12,5 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Chenille arpentuese, chenille du titimale, chenille de l´Ortie etcChenille arpentuese, chenille du titimale, chenille de l´Ortie etc
by F. Huot
1800ca28 X 15 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Cittocincla nigraCittocincla nigra
by J.G. Keulemans
187718 X 22 cm156 euro
thmbnail of CoelenteratenCoelenteraten
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Cotee Fulica The Bald CootCotee Fulica The Bald Coot
by Eleazar & Elisabeth Albin
173126 X 21 cm52 euro
thmbnail of DamhertenDamherten
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of De Amerikaansche zeeslangDe Amerikaansche zeeslang
by nn
1835ca14,5 X 11,5 cm16 euro
thmbnail of De beeren (Bjornen, Bjorn (bams))De beeren (Bjornen, Bjorn (bams))
by nn
1900ca18,5 X 14 cm26 euro
thmbnail of De Gans. Houd uwen mond.De Gans. Houd uwen mond.
by Jan Luyken
1725ca9 X 13 cm52 euro
thmbnail of De Kimmelioen. Dan zus, dan zo.De Kimmelioen. Dan zus, dan zo.
by Jan Luyken
1725ca9 X 13 cm63 euro
thmbnail of De koeienmelksterDe koeienmelkster
by nn
1900ca18,5 X 11 cm26 euro
thmbnail of De Marmot. Een Zwitsersch landschap.De Marmot. Een Zwitsersch landschap.
by F. Girardeau
184510,5 X 14 cm21 euro
thmbnail of De Reiger. Opmerking vind.De Reiger. Opmerking vind.
by Jan Luyken
1725ca9 X 13 cm52 euro
thmbnail of De Slak. Het spreekt van zelven.De Slak. Het spreekt van zelven.
by Jan Luyken
1725ca9 X 13 cm52 euro
thmbnail of De varkens (Svinet, svin.)De varkens (Svinet, svin.)
by nn
1900ca19 X 14 cm26 euro
thmbnail of De VogelstruisDe Vogelstruis
by Jan Luyken
1725ca9 X 13 cm63 euro
thmbnail of DIe bunte oder Schektige Kraehe (ekster)DIe bunte oder Schektige Kraehe (ekster)
by nn
1733ca32 X 21 cm104 euro
thmbnail of Die FurtDie Furt
by Heinrich von Zugel
1900ca40 X 24 cm47 euro
thmbnail of Die graue Dohle (kauw)Die graue Dohle (kauw)
by nn
1733ca31 X 21 cm104 euro
thmbnail of Die Tränke (drinkende koeien)Die Tränke (drinkende koeien)
by W. French naar Rosa Bonheur
1850ca23 X 16 cm32 euro
thmbnail of DiepzeelevenDiepzeeleven
by Winkler Prins (Brockhaus)
190729 X 22 cm26 euro
thmbnail of DiergaardeDiergaarde
by nn
1850ca34 X 28 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Different species of AlcyoniumDifferent species of Alcyonium
by J. Pass
180720 X 25 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Diverse diersoortenDiverse diersoorten
by nn
1900ca38 X 29 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Diverse diersoorten met onderschriftDiverse diersoorten met onderschrift
by S. Czeiger
1900ca23 X 37 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Diverse diersoorten met onderschriftDiverse diersoorten met onderschrift
by S. Czeiger
1900ca23 X 37 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Diverse vogelsoortenDiverse vogelsoorten
by nn
1900ca23,5 X 31 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Dromedaris, kameel, lama, muskusdier, reeDromedaris, kameel, lama, muskusdier, ree
by nn
190038 X 29 cm21 euro
thmbnail of DucksDucks
by Beckmann
1910ca22 X 15 cm26 euro
thmbnail of DuivenDuiven
by Winkler Prins, J van Oort
190720 X 15 cm13 euro
thmbnail of EendenEenden
by Winkler Prins (Ludwig Beckman)
190722 X 14 cm15 euro
thmbnail of EenhoevigenEenhoevigen
by Winkler Prins (R. Friese)
190722 X 14 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Eenige beenderen bij het doorbreken van den dijk, bij Loenen, door het water opgeworpenEenige beenderen bij het doorbreken van den dijk, bij Loenen, door het water opgeworpen
by H. Hoogers
180929 X 17 cm83 euro
thmbnail of Eieren IEieren I
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Eieren IIEieren II
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Eieren van middel-europeesche zangvogelsEieren van middel-europeesche zangvogels
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm46 euro
thmbnail of Ein Kampf um´s DaseinEin Kampf um´s Dasein
by Andrew, Best, Leloir, Susemihl
1850ca22,5 X 17 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Elliots fazantElliots fazant
by nn
1900ca26,5 X 19 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Embryo IIEmbryo II
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Epagneul espagnol / spaanse spaniëlEpagneul espagnol / spaanse spaniël
by Henri Adrien graaf van Bylandt
189716 X 24 cm32 euro
thmbnail of FazantenFazanten
by Winkler Prins - G. Mützel
190713.5 X 22 cm42 euro
thmbnail of FlamingoFlamingo
by Jaap Lutz ?
1925ca11 X 20 cm125 euro
thmbnail of Forms of BacteriaForms of Bacteria
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191320,5 X 30 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Fossielen van Zoogdieren uit het DiluviumFossielen van Zoogdieren uit het Diluvium
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Frogs and ToadsFrogs and Toads
by nn
1910ca14,5 X 22 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Full CryFull Cry
by naar Henry Woollett
1885ca23 X 16 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Gavial (Gavialis gangeticus)Gavial (Gavialis gangeticus)
by G. Mutzel
1880ca13,5 X 13,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of GeitenGeiten
by Winkler Prins
190722 X 27 cm13 euro
thmbnail of GiraffeGiraffe
by Winkler Prins,
190814 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Giraffe (Camelopardalis giraffa)Giraffe (Camelopardalis giraffa)
by nn
1910ca14,5 X 22 cm26 euro
thmbnail of GorillaGorilla
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Grijze KroonkraanGrijze Kroonkraan
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of H.N. Zoologie PoissonsH.N. Zoologie Poissons
by Bouquet, Sir Geoffret de st Hilaire
181142 x54 cm311 euro
thmbnail of HaaienHaaien
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of HagedissenHagedissen
by Winkler Prins
190822 X 15 cm16 euro
thmbnail of HagedissenHagedissen
by Winkler Prins
190828 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of HaringvisschenHaringvisschen
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Hechtalligator Hechtalligator
by C. Wendt, G. Mutzel
1885ca13,5 X 13 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Herder met schaapskuddeHerder met schaapskudde
by nn
1885ca21 X 15 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Herssenpan van een zeer grote os, met de beenderen der hoorneHerssenpan van een zeer grote os, met de beenderen der hoorne
by H. Hoogers
180916 X 11 cm83 euro
thmbnail of HertenHerten
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Het voeren van de varkensHet voeren van de varkens
by Charles Émile Jacque
184921 X 14,5 cm156 euro
thmbnail of Hoenderachtige vogelsHoenderachtige vogels
by Winkler Prins
190828 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of HondHond
by Christiaan Willem Moorrees
1840ca6,5 X 8 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Hond aan de kettingHond aan de ketting
by nn
1850ca19 X 14 cm21 euro
thmbnail of HondenHonden
by Crispijn van de Passe de Jonge
164319 X 30 cm42 euro
thmbnail of HondenHonden
by nn
1800ca18 X 32 cm52 euro
thmbnail of HuishondenHuishonden
by Winkler Prins
190828 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Humming - BirdsHumming - Birds
by G. Mutzel
1910ca14 X 22 cm32 euro
thmbnail of IJsbeeren en een RobIJsbeeren en een Rob
by nn
183415 X 12 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Indische TapirIndische Tapir
by Winkler Prins
191122 X 14 cm13 euro
thmbnail of InsektenetersInsekteneters
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Jager te paardJager te paard
by Otto Eerelman
1880ca12 X 12 cm16 euro
thmbnail of JuraformatieJuraformatie
by Winkler Prins
190928 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of KameelenKameelen
by Winkler Prins
190928 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Katten op een boerenerfKatten op een boerenerf
by nn
1850ca27 X 21 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Kevers IKevers I
by Winkler Prins
190928 X 22 cm38 euro
thmbnail of Kevers IIKevers II
by Winkler Prins
190928 X 22 cm38 euro
thmbnail of Kikvorschen en paddenKikvorschen en padden
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Kikvorschen en paddenKikvorschen en padden
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of KippenKippen
by Hendrik Blanken
1850ca19 X 15 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Klimvogels IKlimvogels I
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Klimvogels IIKlimvogels II
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Knaagdieren IKnaagdieren I
by Winkler Prins
190928 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Knaagdieren IIKnaagdieren II
by Winkler Prins
190928 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of KoeienKoeien
by C.C.A. Last
1840ca27 X 21 cm26 euro
thmbnail of KolibriesKolibries
by G. Mützel
1895ca14 X 22 cm37 euro
thmbnail of KonijnenKonijnen
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of KoppootigenKoppootigen
by Winkler Prins, Stzold
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of KoraalrifKoraalrif
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm11 euro
thmbnail of KoralenKoralen
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Korstdieren IKorstdieren I
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Korstdieren IIKorstdieren II
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of KraagbeerKraagbeer
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Krab en schorpioenKrab en schorpioen
by Crispijn van de Passe de Jonge
164321 X 30 cm52 euro
thmbnail of KrabbenKrabben
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Kreeften en spinKreeften en spin
by nn
187226,5 X 11 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Krododile. 1. Hechtkaiman; 2. Gangesgavial; 3. NilkrokodilKrododile. 1. Hechtkaiman; 2. Gangesgavial; 3. Nilkrokodil
by F.A. Brockhaus
1895ca15 X 23,5 cm16 euro
thmbnail of KrokodillenKrokodillen
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of KrokodillenKrokodillen
by nn
1850ca24 X 33 cm37 euro
thmbnail of l´Aigle de mer, le Lentillac ou Chien de mer étoilé,  le Requin ou lamie, la Roul´Aigle de mer, le Lentillac ou Chien de mer étoilé, le Requin ou lamie, la Rou
by F. Huot
1800ca28 X 15 cm42 euro
thmbnail of l´Ange de mer, l´Hydre ou serpent marin, le marteau, la tête du marteau separée dl´Ange de mer, l´Hydre ou serpent marin, le marteau, la tête du marteau separée d
by F. Huot
1800ca28 X 15 cm42 euro
thmbnail of La Foire aux IdéesLa Foire aux Idées
by Victor Adam
1850ca22 X 29 cm42 euro
thmbnail of La Guépe, le stomoxe, l´ichneumon etc. La Guépe, le stomoxe, l´ichneumon etc.
by F. Huot
1800ca28 X 15 cm42 euro
thmbnail of La propreté, le gout les ornemens, Tout honnête homme á de tels sentimensLa propreté, le gout les ornemens, Tout honnête homme á de tels sentimens
by Francesco del Pedro naar Steffano Barcella
1775ca27,5 X 21 cm207 euro
thmbnail of La souris (de muis)La souris (de muis)
by De Seve
1750ca16 X 20 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Lagere ZeedierenLagere Zeedieren
by Winkler Prins
191227 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of LandkaartjeLandkaartje
by nn
1835ca12 X 9 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Le BienLe Bien
by Victor Adam
1835ca28 X 22 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Le cheval de trait (het trekpaard)Le cheval de trait (het trekpaard)
by Edouard Travies
183918 X 13 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Le cheval, l´ane (paard, ezel)Le cheval, l´ane (paard, ezel)
by G.P. vanden Burggraaff
183310 X 18 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Le DébuchéLe Débuché
by Gamble, naar Carle Vernet
1830ca27 X 18 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Le laboureur au repos / de rustende landarbeiderLe laboureur au repos / de rustende landarbeider
by Ch. Tschaggeny
1845ca20 X 17 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Le lièvre et les grenouillesLe lièvre et les grenouilles
by nn
183419 X 27 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Le lynx ou loup cervier, l´Ours blancLe lynx ou loup cervier, l´Ours blanc
by F.Huot
1800ca28 X 14 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Le Mal, Le BienLe Mal, Le Bien
by Victor Adam (mogelijk)
1835ca28 X 22 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Le Mal, Le BienLe Mal, Le Bien
by Victor Adam
1835ca28 X 22 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Le Mal, Le BienLe Mal, Le Bien
by Victor Adam
1835ca28 X 22 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Le marais dans les landesLe marais dans les landes
by G. Greux naar Th. Rousseau
188116,5 X 11,5 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Le Remore ou arrete-nef, le porc de mer ou centrine, la faulx ou flambeau, la taenia de bellonLe Remore ou arrete-nef, le porc de mer ou centrine, la faulx ou flambeau, la taenia de bellon
by F. Huot
1800ca28 X 15 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Le RenneLe Renne
by R. de Launay, B.L. Prevost
177015 X 20,5 cm68 euro
thmbnail of Le savoisienLe savoisien
by Henry Emy, Bernard
1830ca12,5 X 18 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Le Soleil et les grenouillesLe Soleil et les grenouilles
by nn
183420 X 27 cm32 euro
thmbnail of LizardsLizards
by George Rankin
1910ca14 X 22,5 cm26 euro
thmbnail of ManteldierenManteldieren
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of MarmottenMarmotten
by nn naar Lucien Bonaparte
1835ca15 X 12,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Marmotten en holenuilenMarmotten en holenuilen
by nn naar Lucien Bonaparte
1835ca15 X 12 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Marters IMarters I
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Marters IIMarters II
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Medve Iskola (de berenschool)Medve Iskola (de berenschool)
by nn
1865ca33 X 24 cm42 euro
thmbnail of MeeuwenMeeuwen
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm13 euro
thmbnail of MolluscaMollusca
by Dr. Etzold
1910ca15 X 22 cm32 euro
thmbnail of MorningMorning
by Thomas Morris (Chyp?)
1800ca38 X 29 cm68 euro
thmbnail of Nesten INesten I
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Nesten IINesten II
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of NijlpaardNijlpaard
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Noord-Hollandsche boerinNoord-Hollandsche boerin
by nn
18579 X 6,5 cm16 euro
thmbnail of OlifantenOlifanten
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of OoievaarsOoievaars
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Op  gesichte van een spinnekop, haer webbe wevendeOp gesichte van een spinnekop, haer webbe wevende
by Jan Swelinck
165515 X 12 cm78 euro
thmbnail of Op ÂŽt gesichte van KickvorschenOp ÂŽt gesichte van Kickvorschen
by Johan Wilhelm Kaiser
171219 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Ovis ArgaliOvis Argali
by mogelijk C. Schultz
1850ca19 X 28,5 cm42 euro
thmbnail of OysterOyster
by W. Daniell
180922,5 X 16 cm68 euro
thmbnail of PaardPaard
by F. de Bakker naar B. Picart
177817,5 X 23,5 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Paard met ruiter en jongen met hondPaard met ruiter en jongen met hond
by H.J. Backer naar C.C.A. Last
1840ca27 X 21 cm26 euro
thmbnail of PaardenPaarden
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Paarden in de stalPaarden in de stal
by W. Verschoor
1875ca22 X 15 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Palaestina Hortensis et MellifluaPalaestina Hortensis et Melliflua
by I.G. Pinz
173121 X 31 cm63 euro
thmbnail of PapegaaienPapegaaien
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Paris under the republicParis under the republic
by nn
187224 X 16 cm21 euro
thmbnail of ParrotsParrots
by G. Mutzel
1910ca14 X 23 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Peintures dÂŽanimaux, Thierbilder, Pictures of animalsPeintures dÂŽanimaux, Thierbilder, Pictures of animals
by nn
1800ca35 X 29 cm63 euro
thmbnail of PheasantsPheasants
by G. Mutzel
1910ca14,5 X 23 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Phosphorescent AnimalsPhosphorescent Animals
by Dr. Etzold
1910ca14,5 X 23 cm32 euro
thmbnail of PingoeïnsPingoeïns
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Pl. 124 Motten en rupsenPl. 124 Motten en rupsen
by H.N. Humphreys
184919 X 26 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Pl. 47 Motten en rupsenPl. 47 Motten en rupsen
by H.N. Humphreys
184919 X 26 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Pronkvisschen der zuidelijke zeeënPronkvisschen der zuidelijke zeeën
by Merculiano
1900ca22 X 14 cm19 euro
thmbnail of Regular Progressive Movements of the HorseRegular Progressive Movements of the Horse
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of ReigerReiger
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Representative Types of FowlsRepresentative Types of Fowls
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of ReuzenslangReuzenslang
by G. Mützel, K. Jahrmargt
1895ca14 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of RobbenRobben
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Ruiter te paardRuiter te paard
by nn
1800ca8 X 12,5 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Ruiter, paard en wagen, (jacht-) hondenRuiter, paard en wagen, (jacht-) honden
by V Straaten
1850ca27 X 21 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Ruiters te paardRuiters te paard
by naar Adam Frans van der Meulen (Antoine Francois Vandermeulen)
1840ca29 X 22 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Runderen IRunderen I
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Runderen IIRunderen II
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Runderen IIIRunderen III
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of RupsenRupsen
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Scenery and animated life, Iceland and the FaroesScenery and animated life, Iceland and the Faroes
by Thomas G. Jack
1875ca17 X 25 cm42 euro
thmbnail of SchÀfer aus den "Landes" (Frankreich)SchÀfer aus den "Landes" (Frankreich)
by Andrew, Best, Leloir
186615,5 X 17,5 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Schadelijke Bosch-Insekten ISchadelijke Bosch-Insekten I
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Schadelijke Bosch-Insekten IISchadelijke Bosch-Insekten II
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm11 euro
thmbnail of SchapenSchapen
by C.C.A. Last
1840ca27 X 21 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Schapen ISchapen I
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Schapen IISchapen II
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Schapen in de stalSchapen in de stal
by F.H. Weissenbruch naar S. van den Berg
1865ca20 X 16,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Schapen- en varkensrassenSchapen- en varkensrassen
by nn
186931 X 26 cm37 euro
thmbnail of SchildpaddenSchildpadden
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Silkworms and silk-cultureSilkworms and silk-culture
by Alexander Reichert
1910ca14 X 22 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Skeletten en schedels van ichthyosauriersSkeletten en schedels van ichthyosauriers
by nn
1850ca24 X 30 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Slakkenhuisjes, in veel meer dan natuurlijke grootte voorgesteld.Slakkenhuisjes, in veel meer dan natuurlijke grootte voorgesteld.
by Blaise
1850ca7,5 X 6 cm16 euro
thmbnail of SlangenSlangen
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Slapend kind met konijnenSlapend kind met konijnen
by Felix Schlesinger
185921 X 18 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Spinachtige dieren ISpinachtige dieren I
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Spinachtige dieren IISpinachtige dieren II
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Spitzkrokodil (Crocodilus americanus)Spitzkrokodil (Crocodilus americanus)
by G. Mutzel, Meurer X.A. Berlin
1880ca13,5 X 13,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of SponsenSponsen
by R.Gildsch, Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Stekelhuidigen IStekelhuidigen I
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Stekelhuidigen IIStekelhuidigen II
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of StraaldierenStraaldieren
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm26 euro
thmbnail of StruisvogelsStruisvogels
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Tamme kattenTamme katten
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Tandelooze zoogdieren ITandelooze zoogdieren I
by Winkler Prins
191122 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Tandelooze zoogdieren IITandelooze zoogdieren II
by Winkler Prins
191122 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Tapir (Tapirus indicus)Tapir (Tapirus indicus)
by nn
1910ca21 X 14 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Tekenstudies van hondenkoppenTekenstudies van hondenkoppen
by Jean-Baptiste Oudry
1750ca36 X 22 cm68 euro
thmbnail of The AlligatorThe Alligator
by nn
1910ca16 X 12 cm11 euro
thmbnail of The AlligatorThe Alligator
by nn
183315,5 X 11 cm21 euro
thmbnail of The Common CrocodileThe Common Crocodile
by nn
1850ca13 X 7,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of The crocodileThe crocodile
by nn
1880ca13,5 X 19 cm21 euro
thmbnail of The deathThe death
by naar Henry Woollett
1885ca23 X 15 cm52 euro
thmbnail of The Jaguar - Felis OncaThe Jaguar - Felis Onca
by nn
184229 X 27 cm47 euro
thmbnail of The MeetThe Meet
by naar Henry Woollett
1885ca23 X 16 cm52 euro
thmbnail of The Nyl Ghau - Antilope pictaThe Nyl Ghau - Antilope picta
by nn
184223,5 X 29,5 cm47 euro
thmbnail of The OrnithologistThe Ornithologist
by Henry Stacy Marks
187333 X 44 cm52 euro
thmbnail of The Ostrich - Struthio camelusThe Ostrich - Struthio camelus
by nn
184223,5 X 32,5 cm47 euro
thmbnail of The saddler and harness maker (de zadelmaker)The saddler and harness maker (de zadelmaker)
by nn
1875ca18 X 25 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Tigre surpris par un serpent (Tijger, verrast door een slang)Tigre surpris par un serpent (Tijger, verrast door een slang)
by Charles Jean Louis Courtry, naar EugÚne Delacroix
187319 X 17 cm26 euro
thmbnail of TijgerTijger
by R. Fries
191122 X 14 cm19 euro
thmbnail of Trekpaard en landarbeidersTrekpaard en landarbeiders
by Leopold Haeck
1900ca24 X 16 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Twee paardenTwee paarden
by J. Susenbeth (mogelijk)
1825ca29,5 X 38,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Twee paardenTwee paarden
by J. Susenbeth (mogelijk)
1825ca29,5 X 38,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Types of Game, Marine, And Fresh-water BirdsTypes of Game, Marine, And Fresh-water Birds
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191320,5 X 30 cm21 euro
thmbnail of UilenUilen
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Un Cheval à lŽessaiUn Cheval à lŽessai
by nn
1850ca19 X 13 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Un marigot au pays des Bagas. Un marigot au pays des Bagas.
by E. Meunier, Pranishnikoff
188616 X 12 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Varkens IVarkens I
by Winkler Prins
191122 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Venomous snakesVenomous snakes
by nn
1910ca14,5 X 22 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Vliesvleugeligen (Hymenoptera)Vliesvleugeligen (Hymenoptera)
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of VogelsVogels
by Crispijn van de Passe de Jonge
164320 X 31 cm52 euro
thmbnail of VogelsVogels
by I.G. Pintz
173121 X 31 cm68 euro
thmbnail of VogelskeletVogelskelet
by M. Tyroff
173121 X 31 cm68 euro
thmbnail of Vogelskelet, vogeleiVogelskelet, vogelei
by I.A. Friderich
1731ca21 X 30,5 cm68 euro
thmbnail of Voiture de déménagemens (trekpaarden)Voiture de déménagemens (trekpaarden)
by Victor Adam
1850ca27 X 20 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Vossenjacht der Kon. Veluwsche JachtvereenigingVossenjacht der Kon. Veluwsche Jachtvereeniging
by Otto Eerelman
1880ca25 X 19 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Vultur; V. Gryphus or condor, male, female.Vultur; V. Gryphus or condor, male, female.
by nn
181214 X 22 cm42 euro
thmbnail of WespenWespen
by Winkler Prins
191214 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Wilde HondenWilde Honden
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Wilde Katten IWilde Katten I
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Wilde Katten IIWilde Katten II
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Wilde Katten IIIWilde Katten III
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of WolvenWolven
by Winkler Prins
191214 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of WormenWormen
by Winkler Prins
191227 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of ZeeleeuwZeeleeuw
by nn
1835ca13 X 8 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Zeewater-AquariumZeewater-Aquarium
by Winkler Prins
1895ca28 X 23 cm21 euro
thmbnail of ZeezoogdierenZeezoogdieren
by Winkler Prins
191222 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of "Advice and medicine gratis""Advice and medicine gratis"
by S.T. Dadd
189224 X 32 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of étable hollandaiseétable hollandaise
by Jean-Baptiste Madou, Marcellin Jobard
1830ca21 X 14 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Étude de chevalÉtude de cheval
by Jean Baptiste Madou naar Philips Wouwerman
184225 X 20 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Accentor collaris (Scop.), Alpen-BraunelleAccentor collaris (Scop.), Alpen-Braunelle
by Bruno Geisler
1900ca24 X 34 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Aquila Imperialis, KaiseradlerAquila Imperialis, Kaiseradler
by nn
187821 X 33 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Bernicla antarctica (Magelhaengans)Bernicla antarctica (Magelhaengans)
by nn
185624 X 20 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Birds of ParadiseBirds of Paradise
by nn
1910ca14 X 23 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, karper Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, karper
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekelBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekel
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekels Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekels
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Butterflies and mothsButterflies and moths
by Alexander Reichert
1910ca28 X 23 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Butterflies and Moths of America and EuropeButterflies and Moths of America and Europe
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191320,5 X 30 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Chrysocolaptes Erythrocephalus, C. MaculicepsChrysocolaptes Erythrocephalus, C. Maculiceps
by J.G. Keulemans
187718 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Condur VultureCondur Vulture
by nn
182316 X 21 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of De Arend. De Gierigheid bedriegt de Wysheid.De Arend. De Gierigheid bedriegt de Wysheid.
by Jan Luyken
1725ca9 X 13 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of De Oyevaar. Van hier, na beter.De Oyevaar. Van hier, na beter.
by Jan Luyken
1725ca9 X 13 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of De ringfazantDe ringfazant
by nn
1900ca27,5 X 21 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of De Zalm. Keer om, keer om.De Zalm. Keer om, keer om.
by Jan Luyken
1725ca9 X 13 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Diverse diersoortenDiverse diersoorten
by nn
1900ca38 X 29 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Diverse diersoortenDiverse diersoorten
by nn
1900ca38 X 29 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Diverse runderenDiverse runderen
by nn
190041 X 31 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Een slachtoffer van de openbare veiligheid. Toch nog gevaarlijk!!Een slachtoffer van de openbare veiligheid. Toch nog gevaarlijk!!
by Johan Braakensiek
188827 X 38 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Eggs of Central European Song-BirdsEggs of Central European Song-Birds
by nn
1910ca14 X 23 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Ekster, hop, twee roofvogelsEkster, hop, twee roofvogels
by Crispijn van de Passe de Jonge
164319 X 30 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Embryo IEmbryo I
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Ezel in een wakEzel in een wak
by nn, naar Adriaen van de Venne
167014 X 14 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Fox hunting - jachtFox hunting - jacht
by Henry Thomas Alken
181736 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Gallinago gallinago, gemeine SumpfschnepfeGallinago gallinago, gemeine Sumpfschnepfe
by F.E. Köhler
190224 X 35 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Gems, huisgeit, gnoe, gazelle, alpensteenbok, schaapGems, huisgeit, gnoe, gazelle, alpensteenbok, schaap
by nn
1900ca38 X 29 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Geocichla varia, Bunte Drossel, Gecichla dauma, Himalaya-Drossel (lijsters)Geocichla varia, Bunte Drossel, Gecichla dauma, Himalaya-Drossel (lijsters)
by Bruno Geisler
1900ca23 X 34 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Halcyon WinchelliiHalcyon Winchellii
by J.G. Keulemans
187718 X 21 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Harzer kanarieHarzer kanarie
by nn
1900ca21 X 29 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Head of the crocodile of the NileHead of the crocodile of the Nile
by W.H. Freeman, A. Gusmand
1850ca13,5 X 14,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of HertenHerten
by M.A. Snoeck?
1850ca27 X 21 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of HondenHonden
by Crispijn van de Passe de Jonge
164319 X 29 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Jelly-fishesJelly-fishes
by Dr. Etzold
1910ca14 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of KoeKoe
by S. de Visser, naar C.C.A. Last
1840ca21 X 27 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of KoeienrassenKoeienrassen
by nn
186931 X 26 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of KwallenKwallen
by Winkler Prins, D. Etzold
190914 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of L´Amant de la belle-EuropeL´Amant de la belle-Europe
by Louis Joseph Masquelier, naar Paulus Potter
176226,5 X 37 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of MussenMussen
by Crispijn van de Passe de Jonge
164319 X 30 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of NeushoornNeushoorn
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Paard en rijtuigPaard en rijtuig
by nn
1850ca34 X 29 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Paard in weilandPaard in weiland
by J.J. Mesker naar H. van Ingen
187422 X 18 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Paarden bij de stalPaarden bij de stal
by P. Decleermaecker naar E. Verboeckhoven
1850ca24 X 19 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Pauwen en fazantPauwen en fazant
by Hendrik Blanken
1850ca32 X 25 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of PelikaanPelikaan
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Pl. 43 Motten en rupsenPl. 43 Motten en rupsen
by H.N. Humphreys
184919 X 26 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Raaf en spechtenRaaf en spechten
by P.W.M. Trap
189925 X 19,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Releasing the dogs for hunting - jachtReleasing the dogs for hunting - jacht
by Henry Thomas Alken
181735 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Representative Types of HorsesRepresentative Types of Horses
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Representative Types of Leading Breeds of DogsRepresentative Types of Leading Breeds of Dogs
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Representative Types of SheepRepresentative Types of Sheep
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of RoofvogelsRoofvogels
by Crispijn van de Passe de Jonge
164320 X 31 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Royal Tiger (Felis Tigris)Royal Tiger (Felis Tigris)
by R. Fries
1910ca22 X 14 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of RunderenRunderen
by Crispijn van de Passe de Jonge, Robert de Vorst
164321 X 30 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Schapen op de heideSchapen op de heide
by A.C. Nunnink, naar S. van den Berg
1865ca23 X 16 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Sint Bernard en hondenSint Bernard en honden
by nn
1865ca21 X 24 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Sint Bernard en hondenSint Bernard en honden
by nn
1865ca21 X 24 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Sint Bernard en hondenSint Bernard en honden
by nn
1865ca21 X 24 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Spechten (Woodpeckers)Spechten (Woodpeckers)
by G. Mützel
1895ca14 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Sportsmen within an enclosure - jachtSportsmen within an enclosure - jacht
by Henry Thomas Alken
181736 X 25 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of The common heron - Ardea cinereaThe common heron - Ardea cinerea
by nn
184222 X 31,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of The farrier (hoefsmid)The farrier (hoefsmid)
by nn
1875ca18 X 25 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of The Kite - Milvus IctinusThe Kite - Milvus Ictinus
by nn
184223 X 22,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of The Red Tailed Hawk, pl. XXXThe Red Tailed Hawk, pl. XXX
by Theodore Jasper
187826 X 36 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of TrekpaardenTrekpaarden
by C.C.A. Last
1840ca27 X 21 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Tropical butterfliesTropical butterflies
by nn
186816 X 23 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Turkey Buzzard, Black Vulture, RavenTurkey Buzzard, Black Vulture, Raven
by A. Lawson naar A. Wilson
182526,5 X 34,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Twee paardenTwee paarden
by J. Susenbeth (mogelijk)
1825ca29,5 X 38,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Types of BirdsTypes of Birds
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191320,5 X 30 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Varkens IIVarkens II
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of VissenVissen
by Crispijn van de Passe de Jonge
164321 X 30 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of WalvisschenWalvisschen
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of WeekdierenWeekdieren
by F. Etzold
1900ca14 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of WoodpeckersWoodpeckers
by George Rankin
1910ca14 X 23,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Zwart Papillon konijnZwart Papillon konijn
by van Gink
191828 X 21 cmsold
information about print on

Subjects of prints in Animals

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Cats, Feline
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Gemeente Wittem

Baron van Lijnden van Sandenburg, Ridder der Orde van den Nederlandschen Leeuw...

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Leiden: Lugdunum Batavorum, Leyden in Hollant

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