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Various antique prints

Prints of: Sports and Games
Antique engravings and prints on the theme Sports and Games. All prints are original from the time indicated.
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Title and makerDateMeasurePrice
thmbnail of Dutchwomen going to marketDutchwomen going to market
by S. Nicolet
189125 X 34 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Eissfest in HollandEissfest in Holland
by E. Hofmann
1880ca19,5 X 16,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Häuslicher Frieden, Domestic PeaceHäuslicher Frieden, Domestic Peace
by nn
1880ca23 X 33 cm63 euro
thmbnail of Joueur de boulesJoueur de boules
by Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet
1840ca11 X 15 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Kaartspel nr. 1 HartenKaartspel nr. 1 Harten
by J.C. Beeg
1860ca31 X 44 cm68 euro
thmbnail of Kaartspel nr. 1 HartenKaartspel nr. 1 Harten
by J.C. Beeg
1860ca31 X 44 cm68 euro
thmbnail of Kartenspielereien Nro 1: CoeurKartenspielereien Nro 1: Coeur
by J.C. Beeg
1860ca31 X 44 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Kartenspielereien Nro 4 : TréfleKartenspielereien Nro 4 : Tréfle
by J.C. Beeg
1860ca31 X 44 cm47 euro
thmbnail of Kartenspielereien Nro 4 : TréfleKartenspielereien Nro 4 : Tréfle
by J.C. Beeg
1860ca31 X 44 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Le château de cartesLe château de cartes
by Augustin Bry, naar Theodore Valerio
1850ca28 X 30 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Le jeu appelé Haeglen, Canton de Schwyz.Le jeu appelé Haeglen, Canton de Schwyz.
by Engelman, Zwinger, naar M. Föhn
1830ca15 X 16,5 cm68 euro
thmbnail of Le jeu de tonneauLe jeu de tonneau
by Marie-Alexandre Alophe, naar Alexandre Gabriel Decamps
1845ca24 X 18 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Le patineur d´été - Sur l´asphalte de la place Louis XVLe patineur d´été - Sur l´asphalte de la place Louis XV
by nn
186716 X 18 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Les petits pêcheursLes petits pêcheurs
by nn
1875ca23 X 30 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Openbare SpeeltuinenOpenbare Speeltuinen
by nn
187919 X 25 cm26 euro
thmbnail of RidottoRidotto
by nn
1800ca21 X 15,5 cm73 euro
thmbnail of Sweitzarnes stenkastningSweitzarnes stenkastning
by Stromer, Holm
1850ca13,5 X 11,5 cm26 euro
thmbnail of The Skating competition between English and Dutch professionals; Photographic notes from MoroccoThe Skating competition between English and Dutch professionals; Photographic notes from Morocco
by nn
188724 X 35 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Umiak ou bateau de femme, Kaiak ou canot à un seul hommeUmiak ou bateau de femme, Kaiak ou canot à un seul homme
by Y. le Gouat, B.L. Prevost
177015,5 X 21 cm68 euro
thmbnail of Winter amusements  / Wintervergnügen (Amsterdam)Winter amusements / Wintervergnügen (Amsterdam)
by W. French, naar C. Hilgers
1850ca19 X 14 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Zomer-vermaakZomer-vermaak
by A.A. Nunnink naar C.J. Behr
1850ca26 X 21 cm63 euro
thmbnail of Dards pour la pècheDards pour la pèche
by B.L. Prevost
177015 X 21 cmsold
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thmbnail of De boksersDe boksers
by H. Linton, E. Morin
1865ca23 X 19 cmsold
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thmbnail of Life at Pakhoi, one of the Chinese treaty portsLife at Pakhoi, one of the Chinese treaty ports
by J. Finnemore
188753 X 36 cmsold
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Subjects of prints in Sports and Games

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Kaarten voor de geschiedenis der aardrijkskunde II (2)

Kuyper maps
Gemeente Gouda

Reinoud IIe agttiende heer van Brederode, door de Utrechtsche Bisschop, David van Bourgondien...

Townplans and views
Roermond: Ruremunda Gelriea opp.

Books and atlasses
FACSIMILE: Gemeente-Atlas van de provincie Friesland 1861

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