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Various antique prints

Prints of: Remaining
Antique engravings and prints on the theme Remaining. All prints are original from the time indicated.
To list of subjects
Title and makerDateMeasurePrice
thmbnail of "A cure for the gout""A cure for the gout"
by W. Dendy Sadler
189647 X 36 cm32 euro
thmbnail of A visit to the dentistA visit to the dentist
by Walter J. Allen naar G.A. Story
187829 X 40 cm47 euro
thmbnail of AeronauticsAeronautics
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Agricultural ImplementsAgricultural Implements
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kaoBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, aapBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, aap
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, insectBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, insect
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, karperBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, karper
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, konijnBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, konijn
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekelsBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekels
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, paardBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, paard
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, rattenBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, ratten
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, torBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, tor
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, visBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, vis
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, vis Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, vis
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Brandspuiten IBrandspuiten I
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Brandspuiten IIBrandspuiten II
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm11 euro
thmbnail of ButterfliesButterflies
by W.S. Coleman
191032 X 51 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Chineesche aquarel "Theeplukken"Chineesche aquarel "Theeplukken"
by Winkler Prins
190722 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of DanskunstDanskunst
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Das heimliche WinzerfestDas heimliche Winzerfest
by A.H. Payne naar A. Wulffaert
1860ca12,5 X 17,5 cm11 euro
thmbnail of De Beer in de klemDe Beer in de klem
by nn
1850ca34 X 23 cm21 euro
thmbnail of De EenzaamheidDe Eenzaamheid
by Dietrich Macer?
186624 X 19 cm26 euro
thmbnail of De Hoofden der staatkundige partijenDe Hoofden der staatkundige partijen
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of De Romaansche kapel te Nijmegen (1871)De Romaansche kapel te Nijmegen (1871)
by L. Falk
187116 X 25 cm32 euro
thmbnail of De Vingerspraak: het een-handsche alphabet.De Vingerspraak: het een-handsche alphabet.
by nn
183415 X 10 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Decorations of Honor (1)Decorations of Honor (1)
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Decorations of Honor (2)Decorations of Honor (2)
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of DesinfectietoestellenDesinfectietoestellen
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Doorsneden van houtsoortenDoorsneden van houtsoorten
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Draadloze telegrafieDraadloze telegrafie
by Winkler Prins
190729 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of DruiventeeltDruiventeelt
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Dunnschliffe, Mikroskopisch vergrootDunnschliffe, Mikroskopisch vergroot
by Winkler Prins
190722 X 14 cm11 euro
thmbnail of EdelgesteentenEdelgesteenten
by Winkler Prins
190729 X 22 cm23 euro
thmbnail of Ereprijs der Maatschappij tot Nut van ´t AlgemeenEreprijs der Maatschappij tot Nut van ´t Algemeen
by nn
1835ca11,5 X 6 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Examples of ArchitectureExamples of Architecture
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Fire Department Equipment IFire Department Equipment I
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Fire Department Equipment IIFire Department Equipment II
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of France Pittoresque, Une CliniqueFrance Pittoresque, Une Clinique
by A. Masson naar A. Lacauchie
1840ca16 X 13 cm21 euro
thmbnail of GrottenGrotten
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Hermes gravant sur les colonnes les élémens des sciencesHermes gravant sur les colonnes les élémens des sciences
by B.L. Prevost & Helman, naar C.N. Cochin
1780ca23 X 29,5 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Het alphabet met beide handenHet alphabet met beide handen
by nn
183415 X 9,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of La PecheLa Peche
by Jules David, Becquet
1850ca20,5 X 25 cm37 euro
thmbnail of La Promte ObeissanceLa Promte Obeissance
by Francois Basan naar David Teniers de Jonghe
1760ca16 X 21 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Le paludier, Bourg de BatzLe paludier, Bourg de Batz
by A. Leroux, naar Alfred Darjou
1870ca18 X 24 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Lepra immissa et amissa - Lepra verdreven en verlorenLepra immissa et amissa - Lepra verdreven en verloren
by G.D. Heuman
1735ca20 X 31 cm47 euro
thmbnail of Les Cigarreras de SévilleLes Cigarreras de Séville
by Walter Gay
189535 X 29 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Les Soeurs de CharitéLes Soeurs de Charité
by nn
1855ca22 X 32 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Les Soeurs de CharitéLes Soeurs de Charité
by nn
1855ca22 X 32 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Luchtspiegelingen in de woestijnLuchtspiegelingen in de woestijn
by W. Kurmert
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Medische apparatuurMedische apparatuur
by nn
171319 X 31,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Mijnbouw I  (Doorsnede door een Steenkolenmijn)Mijnbouw I (Doorsnede door een Steenkolenmijn)
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 28 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Modern Steel ConstructionModern Steel Construction
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Modern Telegraph- and Telephone EquipmentModern Telegraph- and Telephone Equipment
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Modern Telephone EquipmentModern Telephone Equipment
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Munten IMunten I
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Munten IIMunten II
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Munten IIIMunten III
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Munten IVMunten IV
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Munten VMunten V
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Mutation and Hybridization of PlantsMutation and Hybridization of Plants
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Muziekinstrumenten IIIMuziekinstrumenten III
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Nederlands PenningenNederlands Penningen
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Ons vaderland en zijne bewoners, Je MaintiendraiOns vaderland en zijne bewoners, Je Maintiendrai
by Mieling
1850ca13,5 X 23 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Parc a charbon de South-AmboyParc a charbon de South-Amboy
by nn
1900ca39 X 28 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Police ServicePolice Service
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Pont de Liane, ou Bejuques; Tarabite pour les Animaux, Tarabite pour les HommesPont de Liane, ou Bejuques; Tarabite pour les Animaux, Tarabite pour les Hommes
by Q.P. Chedel
174814 X 19 cm47 euro
thmbnail of Postal Service under The Universal Postal UnionPostal Service under The Universal Postal Union
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Provincie Zuid-HollandProvincie Zuid-Holland
by Tiete van der Laars
1900ca15 X 24 cm104 euro
thmbnail of Radial Sections of Tropical WoodsRadial Sections of Tropical Woods
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Rijst- en Thee-cultuur op CeylonRijst- en Thee-cultuur op Ceylon
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Schrift ISchrift I
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Schrift II (schriftproeven)Schrift II (schriftproeven)
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Solar Spectrum and Typical ColorsSolar Spectrum and Typical Colors
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of The professorThe professor
by R. Taylor, naar H.S. Marks
188325 X 36 cm26 euro
thmbnail of The Swiss peasantsThe Swiss peasants
by nn
18099 X 14,5 cm26 euro
thmbnail of The world went very well thenThe world went very well then
by R. Taylor, naar A. Dresner
188624 X 33 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Types of Hand-Made LaceTypes of Hand-Made Lace
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Typical Heads Illustrating Race-stocks of MankindTypical Heads Illustrating Race-stocks of Mankind
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Uitheemsche TimmerhoutsoortenUitheemsche Timmerhoutsoorten
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Vechtpartij op het ijsVechtpartij op het ijs
by Reinier Vinkeles
176810 X 17 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Visiting day at Guy´s hospital - in the accident wardVisiting day at Guy´s hospital - in the accident ward
by W. Small
188750 X 33 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Vrouw met muizenvalVrouw met muizenval
by Christoffel Bisschop
1875ca17 X 21 cm42 euro
thmbnail of Vrouw wordt gered uit een wakVrouw wordt gered uit een wak
by N. van der Meer
178211 X 17 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Vue Generale du parc a charbon de South-Amboy (N.J.) Pensylvania RailroadVue Generale du parc a charbon de South-Amboy (N.J.) Pensylvania Railroad
by nn
1900ca39 X 28 cm21 euro
thmbnail of Winterlandschap met schaatsersWinterlandschap met schaatsers
by Hermanus Fock
1800ca24 X 16,5 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Wireless TelegraphyWireless Telegraphy
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Wireless TelephonyWireless Telephony
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, karper Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, karper
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekelBoek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekel
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekels Boek der Liederen / Mao shi pin wu tu kao, krekels
by nn
1800ca13,5 X 19 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of De strenge winter naeckt, de rijm hangt aende boomenDe strenge winter naeckt, de rijm hangt aende boomen
by mogelijk Adriaeu van de Venne
1750ca13,5 X 10,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Discours sur l´Economie politiqueDiscours sur l´Economie politique
by J.B.M. Dupréel, naar C.N. Cochin
180112,5 X 18 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Elpenor redt Lyconis uit het ijsElpenor redt Lyconis uit het ijs
by Daniel van den Bremden naar Jacob Gerritsz. Cuyp
163714 X 11 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Familiar Flowering PlantsFamiliar Flowering Plants
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of KronenKronen
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Life at Pakhoi, one of the Chinese treaty portsLife at Pakhoi, one of the Chinese treaty ports
by J. Finnemore
188753 X 36 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Musical InstrumentsMusical Instruments
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Muziekinstrumenten IMuziekinstrumenten I
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Muziekinstrumenten IIMuziekinstrumenten II
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Representatives Types of CattleRepresentatives Types of Cattle
by Funk&Wagnalls Company
191318,5 X 24,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Schaatsers op het ijsSchaatsers op het ijs
by E. Bluyn
1875ca21 X 15,5 cmsold
information about print on
thmbnail of Tattooing at Nagasaki, JapanTattooing at Nagasaki, Japan
by nn
188223 X 16,5 cmsold
information about print on

Subjects of prints in Remaining

Click on a subject for the available prints
Japan en Korea

Kuyper maps
Gemeente Wittem

Baron van Lijnden van Sandenburg, Ridder der Orde van den Nederlandschen Leeuw...

Townplans and views
Leiden: Lugdunum Batavorum, Leyden in Hollant

Books and atlasses
FACSIMILE: Gemeente-Atlas van de provincie Friesland 1861

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