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Various antique prints

Prints of: Machinery
Antique engravings and prints on the theme Machinery. All prints are original from the time indicated.
To list of subjects
Title and makerDateMeasurePrice
thmbnail of BaggermachineBaggermachine
by Winkler Prins
190517 X 13 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Bemalingswerktuigen (windwatermolens)Bemalingswerktuigen (windwatermolens)
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Bierbrouwerijen IBierbrouwerijen I
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Bierbrouwerijen IIBierbrouwerijen II
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Brandspuiten IBrandspuiten I
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Brandspuiten IIBrandspuiten II
by Winkler Prins
190614 X 22.5 cm11 euro
thmbnail of CacaobereidingCacaobereiding
by Winkler Prins
190629 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Cultivator ICultivator I
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Cultivator IICultivator II
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of DesinfectietoestellenDesinfectietoestellen
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of DorschmachinesDorschmachines
by Winkler Prins
190722 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Draadloze telegrafieDraadloze telegrafie
by Winkler Prins
190729 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Dynamomachines-IDynamomachines-I
by Winkler Prins
190729 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Dynamomachines-IIDynamomachines-II
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Electrische centrale IElectrische centrale I
by Winkler Prins, van Leer
190714 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Electrische centralen II (Niagara)Electrische centralen II (Niagara)
by Winkler Prins, van Leer
190714 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Electrische SpoorwegenElectrische Spoorwegen
by Winkler Prins
190714 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Fabrication du fulminate de mercureFabrication du fulminate de mercure
by nn
187120 X 13 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Gasverlichting IGasverlichting I
by Winkler Prins
190722 X 13,5 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Gasverlichting IIGasverlichting II
by Winkler Prins
190713,5 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Glasfabricage IGlasfabricage I
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Glasfabricage IIGlasfabricage II
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Goudontginning IGoudontginning I
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Goudontginning IIGoudontginning II
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of GrondboringenGrondboringen
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Gustav Eiffel, Erbauer des Eiffelthurmes in Paris; Strassenbahn-elevator in Jersey-cityGustav Eiffel, Erbauer des Eiffelthurmes in Paris; Strassenbahn-elevator in Jersey-city
by nn
1900ca25 X 35 cm16 euro
thmbnail of HeitoestellenHeitoestellen
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of IJzerbewerking IIJzerbewerking I
by Winkler Prins
191214 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of IJzerbewerking IIIJzerbewerking II
by Winkler Prins
191227 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of IJzerbewerking IIIIJzerbewerking III
by Winkler Prins
191214 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of KoffiebereidingsmachinesKoffiebereidingsmachines
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of KoperontginningKoperontginning
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Kranen IKranen I
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Kranen IIKranen II
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of LiftenLiften
by Winkler Prins
190928 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of LijkverbrandingLijkverbranding
by Winkler Prins
190922 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Locomobielen ILocomobielen I
by Winkler Prins
190927 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Locomobielen IILocomobielen II
by Winkler Prins
190927 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of LoodfabricageLoodfabricage
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Luchtpompen ILuchtpompen I
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Luchtpompen IILuchtpompen II
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Mechanische hamers IMechanische hamers I
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Mechanische hamers IIMechanische hamers II
by Winkler Prins
190814 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Mijnbouw I  (Doorsnede door een Steenkolenmijn)Mijnbouw I (Doorsnede door een Steenkolenmijn)
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 28 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Mijnbouw IIMijnbouw II
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Mijnbouw IIIMijnbouw III
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Mikroskopen IMikroskopen I
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of Mikroskopen IIMikroskopen II
by Winkler Prins
190914 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of MotorbootenMotorbooten
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of NaaimachinesNaaimachines
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Ovens IOvens I
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Ovens IIOvens II
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Papierfabricage IPapierfabricage I
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Papierfabricage IIPapierfabricage II
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Papierfabricage IIIPapierfabricage III
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Photografie-toestellenPhotografie-toestellen
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Pletmachine IPletmachine I
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Pletmachine IIPletmachine II
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of PloegenPloegen
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Pompen IPompen I
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Pompen IIPompen II
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of PulsometerPulsometer
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Richmond - a cigarette factoryRichmond - a cigarette factory
by John Durkin
188752 X 37 cm26 euro
thmbnail of SchaafmachinesSchaafmachines
by Winkler Prins
191127 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of ScharenScharen
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Spinmachines ISpinmachines I
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Spinmachines IISpinmachines II
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of SpiritusfabricageSpiritusfabricage
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of StoomketelStoomketel
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of StoomploegwerkStoomploegwerk
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Stoomwerktuig IStoomwerktuig I
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Stoomwerktuig IIStoomwerktuig II
by Winkler Prins
191022 X 27 cm16 euro
thmbnail of Stoomwerktuig IIIStoomwerktuig III
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm11 euro
thmbnail of SuikerfabricageSuikerfabricage
by Winkler Prins
191027 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Télefono "Ericson"Télefono "Ericson"
by nn
1890ca22 X 31 cm26 euro
thmbnail of TabaksfabricageTabaksfabricage
by Winkler Prins
191014 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Telefoon ITelefoon I
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Telefoon IITelefoon II
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Telefoon IIITelefoon III
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of TelegraaftoestellenTelegraaftoestellen
by Winkler Prins
191127 X 22 cm13 euro
thmbnail of TeleskoopTeleskoop
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of TheodolietenTheodolieten
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Torenklokken ITorenklokken I
by Winkler Prins
191122 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Torenklokken IITorenklokken II
by Winkler Prins
191122 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of TuingereedschapTuingereedschap
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Uurwerken IUurwerken I
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Uurwerken IIUurwerken II
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Verbrandingsmotoren IVerbrandingsmotoren I
by Winkler Prins
191114 X 22 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Verbrandingsmotoren IIVerbrandingsmotoren II
by Winkler Prins
191122 X 14 cm9 euro
thmbnail of Waterraderen en turbinesWaterraderen en turbines
by Winkler Prins
191222 X 27 cm13 euro
thmbnail of Waterwerken en vroege telegrafieWaterwerken en vroege telegrafie
by nn
1870ca30 X 26 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Weven IIWeven II
by Winkler Prins
191227 X 22 cm11 euro

Subjects of prints in Machinery

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