| Title and maker | Date | Measure | Price |
 | Almindelig Söndagsdragt af en Amagerinde .. by nn | 1800ca | 14,5 X 20 cm | 21 euro |
 | Alte Frau aus Gross-Denkte bei Wolfenbuttel by E.F. Meyerheim, A. Weger | 1875ca | 14,5 X 22,5 cm | 32 euro |
 | Altenburger Bauer und Bäuerin. Bürgerin im Kindtaufstaate. by Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsche | 1840ca | 13 X 11,5 cm | 37 euro |
 | Altenburger Bauerinn zu Markt gehend by nn | 1820ca | 11,5 X 22,5 cm | 47 euro |
 | Altenburger junge Bauern in Haus und Sontags Tracht. by Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsche | 1840ca | 13 X 11,5 cm | 37 euro |
 | Antig miles pat; Antig et nobilis peregrinus by Ferdinando Bertelli (mogelijk) | 1575ca | 18,5 X 12,5 cm | 52 euro |
 | Bauer aus Bortfeld bei Braunschweig by Plockhorst | 1880ca | 13 X 20 cm | 26 euro |
 | Bauer aus dem Gutachthale im badischen Schwarzwalde by A. Jericke, C. Br. | 1880ca | 13 X 20 cm | 26 euro |
 | Bauer aus dem Hanauerlande, Baden. by nn | 1880ca | 14 X 25 cm | 32 euro |
 | Bauer aus Klein-Bremen bei Minden (Westfalen) by F. Hiddemann | 1880ca | 14 X 21 cm | 21 euro |
 | Bauerin aus Bortfeld bei Braunschweig by Plockhorst, Rhenkelse | 1880ca | 14 X 20 cm | 26 euro |
 | Bauerin aus Dachau bei Munchen, Oberbaiern by F.L. Meyer, C.R. | 1880ca | 11,5 X 22 cm | 26 euro |
 | Bauerin aus Klein-Bremen bei Minden (Westfalen) by F. Hiddemann | 1880ca | 14 X 21 cm | 26 euro |
 | Bauerin aus Muhlenbach, Schwarzwald. by R. Henkel | 1880ca | 12 X 22 cm | 26 euro |
 | Bauernbraut aus der Nurnberger Gegend. Um 1669. by nn | 1880ca | 13,5 X 21 cm | 32 euro |
 | Bauernbrautigam aus der Nurnberger Gegend. Um 1669 by nn | 1880ca | 13 X 21,5 cm | 32 euro |
 | Bauernmadchen aus dem Gutachthale im badischen Schwarzwalde by A. Jericke, C. Br. | 1880ca | 13 X 20 cm | 32 euro |
 | Bauernmadchen aus Ockershausen bei Marburg, Kurhessen by T. Meyisheim | 1880ca | 14 X 20 cm | 26 euro |
 | Bauernmadchen aus Sachsen-Altenburg by C.E. Doepler | 1876 | 14 X 23 cm | 26 euro |
 | Bavarois by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10 X 16,5 cm | 52 euro |
 | Bavaroise by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10 X 16,5 cm | 42 euro |
 | Bayerische stadtische Trachten by nn | 1830 | 13 X 10,5 cm | 16 euro |
 | Berner Bäuerin, Paysanne bernoise, Girl of Bern (Switzerland), Ungar, Hungarian, Hongrois by nn | 1800ca | 18 X 15,5 cm | 16 euro |
 | Boteresses by Louis Ghémar, J. Heneleer | 1850ca | 11,5 X 17,5 cm | 37 euro |
 | Bourgeoise de Passeau by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10 X 16,5 cm | 63 euro |
 | Ciociare aus dem Sabinergebirge by N. Schrodel | 1874 | 13,5 X 17 cm | 16 euro |
 | Costumes Bretons by Duc | 1835 | 11 X 12 cm | 26 euro |
 | Costumes Brugeois by Francois Stroobant | 1886 | 12 X 16 cm | 52 euro |
 | Costumes d´Anvers et de ses environs by F. Tessaro | 1850ca | 15,5 X 24,5 cm | 37 euro |
 | Costumes de Nantes et Blain by Lacauchie | 1835 | 12,5 X 13 cm | 26 euro |
 | Costumes des habitant de l´ile de Marken, dans le Zuyderzée by Marc | 1864 | 16 X 17,5 cm | 32 euro |
 | Costumes du dept. d´Ille et Vilaine by Lacauchie | 1835 | 11 X 10 cm | 21 euro |
 | Costumes du Finistere by Lacauchie | 1835 | 11,5 X 12 cm | 26 euro |
 | Dagelijksche Kleeding der Sagelterlander vrouwen by C.B. Buys | 1836 | 11 X 18,5 cm | 42 euro |
 | Dame de la cour Francaise XVI siecle, sous Francois I by E. Spanier | 1850ca | 15 X 20 cm | 52 euro |
 | Dame d�Ausbourg by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10 X 17 cm | 63 euro |
 | Dame en faille (Bruxelles) by nn | 1850ca | 12 X 16,5 cm | 32 euro |
 | Danse d´enfants à Marken by E. Ronjat, X. Mellery | 1860 | 16 X 10 cm | 32 euro |
 | Demoiselle en Faille by G.P. vanden Burggraaff naar J.B. Madou | 1830ca | 16 X 23 cm | 37 euro |
 | Demoiselle en Faille - Bruxelles by G.P. vanden Burggraaff | 1830ca | 8 X 11,5 cm | 16 euro |
 | Der Fremdling by Paul Rieth | 1908 | 20 X 28 cm | 32 euro |
 | Der Woche das Hauswesen, dem Sontag die Kirche by C. Strauch | 1810ca | 14,5 X 21 cm | 63 euro |
 | Deuïl de Zurich, Deuïl de Augsbourg by nn | 1730ca | 21 X 16 cm | 42 euro |
 | Donna di Agen Fantesca forese di Marsiglia Donna di Montauban by nn | 1840ca | 13 X 11 cm | 26 euro |
 | Dutchwomen going to market by S. Nicolet | 1891 | 25 X 34 cm | 32 euro |
 | Edelen in Krijgsgewaad. (18e eeuw) by v.d. Kellen | 1870ca | 20 X 14 cm | 21 euro |
 | Eene Groenlandse vrouw by J. Swertner | 1766 | 16,5 X 15,5 cm | 63 euro |
 | Ein Handwercks Weib mit einer Leiche Gehend/ Eine Magd wie sie mit einer Leiche Gehet. by Johann Georg Merz | 1730 | 17,5 X 12 cm | 63 euro |
 | Eine Wendin in Brautschmuck. by S. Granicher | 1800ca | 14 X 25 cm | 52 euro |
 | En route pour un baptême à Marken by E. Ronjat, X. Mellery, Hillebrand. | 1860 | 24,5 X 17,5 cm | 37 euro |
 | Eques Auratae Stolae by Adriaen Schoonebeek | 1697 | 8 X 13 cm | 32 euro |
 | Feest-Kleederdragt der mannen en der vrouwen op het eiland Marken by nn | 1850ca | 16 X 12 cm | 26 euro |
 | Femme d´Ausbourg by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10 X 17 cm | 63 euro |
 | Femme de l´Argou by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10 X 16 cm | 63 euro |
 | Femme de la Foret Noire by Félix Mixelle, Desrais | 1785ca | 10,5 X 17,5 cm | 52 euro |
 | Femme de Lima en habit de Ville, en habit de menage by nn | 1756 | 14,5 X 20 cm | 52 euro |
 | Femmes de Lisieux et de Bayeux by Lacauchie | 1835 | 12 X 12 cm | 26 euro |
 | Femmes de Lucon by Henri Charpentier | 1830 | 16,5 X 20 cm | 37 euro |
 | Fermier des environs de Nimegue province de Gueldre by H. Lecomte | 1819 | 15 X 22,5 cm | 94 euro |
 | Fille Dalecarlienne en habit de Dimanche by G. Duchange, B. Picart | 1706 | 6,5 X 11,5 cm | 21 euro |
 | Fille retirée de la congregation des Jesuites d´Anvers by Gaspard Duchange | 1725ca | 7,5 X 11 cm | 21 euro |
 | Frau in alterer Tracht aus Brotterode in Thuringen by W. Hazermann, Carl Streller | 1880ca | 12 X 20 cm | 26 euro |
 | Frau und Kind aus Marken by A. Dillens | 1882 | 16 X 24 cm | 42 euro |
 | Frau und Kind aus Marken by A. Dillens | 1882 | 16 X 24 cm | 42 euro |
 | Full Dress of a Lady of Nuremburg, in 1755. by John Miller | 1765ca | 14 X 23 cm | 52 euro |
 | Gallicana antigua, Brisiana antigua by Ferdinando Bertelli (mogelijk) | 1575ca | 17,5 X 11,5 cm | 52 euro |
 | German servant by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 14 cm | 16 euro |
 | Gorale aus dem Tatra-Gebirge, Ungarn by R. Henkel, naar P. Thumann | 1875ca | 13 X 20 cm | 21 euro |
 | Grönländerin by nn | 1850ca | 3,5 X 9 cm | 9 euro |
 | Groenland, mme Kiojer by Cloubard, L. Massard | 1838 | 9 X 17 cm | 52 euro |
 | Groenlanders by L. Portman, naar J. Kuyper | 1805 | 9,5 X 15,5 cm | 63 euro |
 | Habillemens des Groenlandois by Le Veau, B.L. Prevost | 1770 | 14,5 X 20,5 cm | 73 euro |
 | Habit of a Country Man near Nuremberg in 1755. by John Miller | 1765ca | 15 X 22,5 cm | 52 euro |
 | Habit of a Country Woman near Nuremberg, in 1755 by John Miller | 1765ca | 15 X 22,5 cm | 52 euro |
 | Habit of a Lady of Nuremberg, in 1755. Fille de Nuremberg by John Miller | 1765ca | 14 X 22,5 cm | 52 euro |
 | Habitant de Tyrol by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 11 X 17,5 cm | 63 euro |
 | Habitante du Tirol by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 11 X 17,5 cm | 63 euro |
 | Homme d´Ausbourg by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10 X 17 cm | 63 euro |
 | Homme de la Foret Noire by Félix Mixelle, Desrais | 1785ca | 11,5 X 17,5 cm | 52 euro |
 | Italiaansche Boeren by nn | 1900ca | 9,5 X 15,5 cm | 11 euro |
 | Jeune fillette de l´ile Marken by E. Ronjat, X. Mellery | 1860 | 8,5 X 13 cm | 26 euro |
 | Kant I by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
 | Kant II by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
 | Kleederdrachten I by A. Greit | 1893 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro |
 | Kleederdrachten II by A. Greit | 1893 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro |
 | Kleederdrachten III by A. Greit | 1893 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro |
 | Kleederdrachten IV by A. Greit | 1893 | 22 X 14 cm | 13 euro |
 | Krijgsgewaad (12e Eeuw) by v.d. Kellen | 1870ca | 22 X 14 cm | 21 euro |
 | Madchen aus Gross-Denkte bei Wolfenbuttel by E.F. Meyerheim, A. Weger | 1875ca | 13 X 23 cm | 32 euro |
 | Madchen aus Miesbach (Ober-Baiern) by E. Doepler | 1875ca | 14 X 22 cm | 21 euro |
 | Madchen aus Seefeld, Ober-Baiern. by F.L.M., C. R. | 1882 | 14 X 22 cm | 26 euro |
 | Man in traditionele Hawaiiaanse kleding by nn | 1835ca | 13 X 10,5 cm | 21 euro |
 | Mannen-Gewaad. by v.d. Kellen | 1870ca | 20 X 14 cm | 21 euro |
 | Marchande d´Alumetes, a Bruxelles by G.P. vanden Burggraaff | 1800ca | 14 X 21 cm | 16 euro |
 | Maries de Pontivy, Morbihan by Lacauchie | 1835 | 12 X 11 cm | 26 euro |
 | Markensche Bruid en Bruidegom by nn | 1855ca | 14,5 X 22,5 cm | 42 euro |
 | Matelot Provencal by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10,5 X 16 cm | 52 euro |
 | Meisje uit Unterwalden by nn | 1850ca | 13 X 17 cm | 21 euro |
 | Musquetier de la garde Hollandaise (17e siècle) sous Prince Maurice by E. Spanier | 1850ca | 14 X 22 cm | 63 euro |
 | Nederlandsche volkseigen kleederdrachten I by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro |
 | Nederlandsche volkseigen kleederdrachten II by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 22 X 14 cm | 9 euro |
 | Neeltje, de Visschersdochter van Marken by nn | 1860ca | 11,5 X 15 cm | 26 euro |
 | Noord-Hollandsch Meisje by J.C. d Arnoud Gerckens | 1860ca | 14.5 X 20 cm | 32 euro |
 | Noorwegen by nn | 1880ca | 14,5 X 22 cm | 47 euro |
 | Nord-Hollande by gebr. Rouargue, F. Chardon | 1860ca | 12,5 X 18 cm | 63 euro |
 | Nur meinem Brautigam zu gefallen by C. Strauch | 1810ca | 17 X 23,5 cm | 47 euro |
 | Paysan de Dalecarlie by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10 X 17 cm | 63 euro |
 | Paysan des environs de lac de Marat by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10 X 16 cm | 63 euro |
 | Paysanne de marquisat de Bade by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10 X 16 cm | 57 euro |
 | Paysanne des environs de Selenne by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 11,5 X 17 cm | 63 euro |
 | Paysans Bretons, Bourg de Batz by Benard, Frey | 1837 | 14,5 X 19 cm | 26 euro |
 | Pecheurs de Boulogne by Lacauchie | 1835 | 13 X 11 cm | 21 euro |
 | Pecheuse de Mardick, env. de Dunkerque by nn | 1800ca | 6,5 X 10,5 cm | 16 euro |
 | Prussien de Silésie by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10,5 X 17 cm | 63 euro |
 | Prussienne de Silésie by Félix Mixelle | 1785ca | 10,5 X 17 cm | 63 euro |
 | Ruthenische Bäuerin aus Marmiros (Ungarn) by E. Doepler | 1875 | 13 X 21 cm | 21 euro |
 | Sachsen, Altenburg by nn | 1850ca | 9,5 X 10 cm | 16 euro |
 | Schaatsenslijpen in HIndelopen by Christoffel Bisschop, Smeeton Tilly | 1880ca | 25 X 17 cm | 156 euro |
 | Schwyz Tessin by nn | 1900ca | 13 X 11 cm | 32 euro |
 | Stroh, Stroh by Christoffer Suhr | 1810ca | 10 X 15 cm | 32 euro |
 | The letter writer of Seville by John Phillip | 1854 | 25 X 20,5 cm | 32 euro |
 | The Skating competition between English and Dutch professionals; Photographic notes from Morocco by nn | 1887 | 24 X 35 cm | 21 euro |
 | The Tyrol by nn | 1860ca | 13 X 21 cm | 21 euro |
 | Thuringer Bauernbursch by W. Hazermann, Carl Streller | 1880ca | 12 X 20 cm | 26 euro |
 | Toilettes de Visite - Toilettes d´Interieur by E. Deschamps, naar Él. Préval | 1870ca | 40 X 25 cm | 26 euro |
 | Twee vrouwen met appels by nn | 1860ca | 9 X 11 cm | 21 euro |
 | Unmarried female of Torotzko by nn | 1813 | 6 X 9,5 cm | 16 euro |
 | Volksdracht (18e eeuw) by v.d. Kellen | 1870ca | 20 X 14 cm | 21 euro |
 | Vrouw in klederdracht by J.J. Mesker naar J. Ph. Koelman | 1869 | 17 X 22,5 cm | 16 euro |
 | Vrouw in klederdracht by nn | 1800ca | 7 X 8,5 cm | 11 euro |
 | Vrouw in zwart met roos by nn | 1908 | 19,5 X 30 cm | 37 euro |
 | Vrouw uit de Baronie van Breda by G. K. | 1841 | 7 X 7 cm | 11 euro |
 | Vrouwen-gewaad by v.d. Kellen | 1870ca | 24 X 14 cm | 21 euro |
 | Vrouwengewaad (11e eeuw) by v.d. Kellen | 1870ca | 20 X 14 cm | 21 euro |
 | Vrouwengewaad (12e eeuw) by v.d. Kellen | 1870ca | 14 X 20 cm | 21 euro |
 | Wendin als Amme by S. Granicher | 1800ca | 14,5 X 25 cm | 52 euro |
 | Wendische Bauerinnen aus dem Kreise Lebus, Mark Brandenburg by nn | ca1880 | 14 X 21 cm | 26 euro |
 | Wendische Bauern aus dem Kreise Lebus, Mark Brandenburg by nn | ca1880 | 14 X 21 cm | 26 euro |
 | Wendsches Madchen zur Kirche gehend by S. Granicher | 1800ca | 14,5 X 24 cm | 52 euro |
 | Winterkleeding bij doop en begrafenis; Kleederdragt op het Eiland Marken in den Hooitijd by W. Dal | 1850ca | 16 X 12 cm | 26 euro |
 | Bauer aus Tegernsee, Oberbaiern by Michael, Hieler | 1875ca | 13 X 20,5 cm | sold |
 | Bayerische Trachten, Eine Burgers-Tochter aus Augsburg by F. Elmer | 1750ca | 11 X 17 cm | sold |
 | Collection la Poste Monténegro by nn | 1900ca | 5 X 7 cm | sold |
 | Kronen by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 14 X 22 cm | sold |
 | Le siège de Corinthe (Rôle de Mahomet II), Demain cherche Corinthe, et ne le trouve pas by nn, naar Maleuvre | 1830ca | 7,5 X 12 cm | sold |
 | Nederlandsche volkseigen kleederdrachten III by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 22 X 14 cm | sold |
 | Spaansche Costumes by A.J.P. Storm de Grave, J. Smies, J.E. Marcius | 1825ca | 9 X 14,5 cm | sold |