last update: Apr-22-2024
Maps of England on atlasandmap.com |
| Title/Maker | Year | Measures | Price | |
|  | Industriegebied Manchester-Leeds by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 22 X 14 cm | 13 euro | |  | Portsmouth en Southampton by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 22 X 14 cm | 16 euro | |  | Engeland by Kuyper (Kuijper) | 1880 | 15 X 19 cm | 23 euro | |  | England und Wales, Nördliche hälfte by Richard Andree | 1896 | 51 X 38 cm | 23 euro | |  | Kaart Brittiska Oarne. by Stieler | 1868 | 27,5 X 21,5 cm | 26 euro | |  | Groot-Brittanie en Ierland by P.W.M. Trap | 1872 | 23 X 28,5 cm | 42 euro | |  | Londen (City en Westend) by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 27 X 22 cm | 47 euro | |  | The Bishopprick of Durham by Pieter van der Keere | 1650ca | 12,5 X 9 cm | 63 euro | |  | A New and Accurate map of England by Thomas Bowen | 1772 | 22.5 X 32 cm | 83 euro | |  | A Chart of the Northern Ocean between the coasts of England and the United Provinces by Thomas Kitchin, R. Balwin | 1781 | 34.5 X 29 cm | sold | |  | England und Wales, Südliche hälfte by Richard Andree | 1896 | 55 X 38 cm | sold | |  | Londen by Winkler Prins | 1909 | 27 X 22 cm | sold | |  | Brittaniae Romanae by Weigel, Christoph (Witwe) | 1720 | 31 X 33 cm | sold | |  | Nova Totius Angliae, Scotiae, Et Hiberniae by Wit, Frederik de | 1670 | 56 X 48 cm | sold | |
Plans of cities in England on atlasandmap.com |
Town | Title/Maker | Year | Measures | Price | |
 | On the Derwent by Benjamin Fawcett, naar A.F. Lydon | 1879 | 16 X 11 cm | 21 euro
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 | Ulleswater by nn | 1850ca | 18 X 13,5 cm | 42 euro
| | Aira Force
 | Airey Force, Cumberland by T. Allom, J.C. Bentley | 1847 | 10,5 X 15,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Alnwick: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Alnwick | Ambleside: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Ambleside | Applethwaite
 | Skiddaw, from Applethwaite by J.C. Bentley, H. Gastineau | 1833 | 10 X 16 cm | 32 euro
| | Bakewell
 | Haddon Hall, Derbyshire. Whitehaven. by nn | 1850ca | 9,5 X 15 cm | 16 euro
| | Bamburgh
 | Bamborough castle, Northumberland, England by nn | 1850ca | 16,5 X 12 cm | 42 euro
| | Barnard Castle
 | Barnard Castle, Durham by T. Allom, W. Le Petit | 1840ca | 16 X 10,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Barrow-in-Furness: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Barrow-in-Furness | Berwick-upon-Tweed: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Berwick-upon-Tweed | Billing
 | Little Billing Priory by Metcalf | 1801 | 11 X 10,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Birkenhead: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Birkenhead | Birmingham: 4 items | Visit our page of the city of Birmingham | Blackwall
 | The guards embarking for Holland, Feb 25, 1793 by W.J. Stratford | 1793 | 13,5 X 9 cm cm | 32 euro
| | Borrowdale
 | Borrowdale, Cumberland by T. Allom, A. Le Petit | 1845ca | 16 X 10 cm | 26 euro
| | Bournville, Brimingham
 | Tuinsteden (Gardentowns) by Winkler Prins | 1911 | 14 X 22 cm | 9 euro
| | Bridlington
 | Burlington Quay, Yorkshire by J.C. Bentley, naar G. Chambers | 1840ca | 16 X 13,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Brighton: 4 items | Visit our page of the city of Brighton | Brinkburn
 | N.W. View of Brenckburn Priory, Northumberland by M.J. Starling, J. Dobson | 1832 | 16,5 X 11,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Bristol: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Bristol | Broadstairs: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Broadstairs | Burley
 | S.E. View of Burley Hall, Rutlandshire, the seat of the Earl of Winchelsea by Page, naar B. Christian | 1820 | 18 X 12 cm | 26 euro
| | Buttermere
 | Mill Beck and Buttermere Chapel, Cumberland by G. Pickering, M.J. Starling | 1845ca | 16 X 10,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Bywell
 | Bywell, on the Tyne, Northumberland by R. Sands, naar T. Allom | 1834 | 16,5 X 11 cm | 32 euro
| | Calderbridge
 | Calder Abbey, Cumberland by G. Pickering, W. Taylor | 1840ca | 16,5 X 10,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Cambridge: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Cambridge | Canterbury
 | Canterbury castle, in Kent by Goldar | 1786 | 19,5 X 15,5 cm | 21 euro
| | Carlisle
 | View of Carlisle by nn | 1860ca | 14 X 11 cm | 16 euro
| | Castle Eden
 | Castle Eden Hall, Durham by T. Allom, T. Jeavons | 1840ca | 16 X 10,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Castleton
 | A view of the rocks & that vast cavern call´d Peakes Hole, at Castleton in Derbyshire by nn | 1777 | 20 X 12 cm | 26 euro
| | Chard
 | A view of Ford Abby in Devonshire, the Seat of Francis Gwyn by nn | 1770ca | 20 X 12 cm | 26 euro
| | Chatsworth: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Chatsworth | Chester
 | Chester en de Grosvenor-brug by H.J. Backer | 1840ca | 15,5 X 11 cm | 32 euro
| | Cleeve
 | At Cleeve, on the Thames by Benjamin Fawcett, naar A.F. Lydon | 1879 | 16 X 11 cm | 21 euro
| | Coalbrookdale
 | Pont de Coalbroockdale by Lemaitre | 1840ca | 17 X 11 cm | 37 euro
| | Cornwall: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Cornwall | Cornwall, St Michael
 | TrerynSt Michaels Mount in Cornwall (England) by C. Reiss, b. Metzeroth | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | sold
| | Cowes
 | West Cowes, Isle of Wight by S. Rawle, J. Nixon | 1806 | 16 X 11 cm | 16 euro
| | Cromford
 | Cromford Hall, Derbyshire by Tookey, Malcolm | 1820ca | 15,5 X 10,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Cumbria: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Cumbria | Dartford
 | Dartford Nunnery, Kent by T. Busby, naar F.W.L. Stockdale | 1809 | 17 X 12 cm | 16 euro
| | Derby
 | All Saints Church Derby by William & Henry Rock | 1850ca | 16 X 11 cm | 26 euro
| | Derbyshire
 | Derbyshire churches. Measham, Smisby, Repton by Cook, Shaw, Schnebbelie | 1792 | 11,5 X 19 cm | 37 euro
| | Derwentwater
 | Derwent Water, from the castle head, Cumberland by T. Allom, S. Lacey | 1845ca | 16 X 10,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Dovedale
 | The head of Dove Dale, Derbyshire by E. Finden, W. Westall, A.R.A. | 1833ca | 11 X 13 cm | 26 euro
| | Dover: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Dover | Dover, Norfolk
 | Dover Castle from the Folkstone road. Sherringham Hall, Norfolk by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 14 cm | 16 euro
| | Drayton Bassett
 | Drayton Manor, the residence of the Right Honorable Sir Robert Peel, Baronet by William & Henry Rock | 1840ca | 17 X 11,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Durham: 6 items | Visit our page of the city of Durham | Eaton: 4 items | Visit our page of the city of Eaton | Eddystone Rocks: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Eddystone Rocks | Ennerdale Water
 | Ennerdale Water, from How Hall, Cumberland by T. Allom, J. Sands | 1845ca | 16 X 10,5 cm | sold
| | Essex
 | Parsonage House at Standon Parva, Essex by nn | 1805 | 19 X 11 cm | 37 euro
| | Eton: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Eton | Falmouth: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Falmouth | Falmouth, Londen
 | Falmouth harbour & Pendennis castle. Islington tunnel. by nn | 1850ca | 10,5 X 14 cm | 16 euro
| | Felixstowe
 | Felixstow Cottage, near Languard Fort, Suffolk by J. Swaine | 1816 | 11 X 13,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Folkestone
 | Fishing boat, Folkestone by nn | 1850ca | 7 X 10 cm | 16 euro
| | Folkington
 | Folkington in the County of Sussex by Pieter van der Aa, naar Johannes Kip | 1707 | 16 X 13,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Freshwater Bay
 | Freshwater Bay by nn | 1870ca | 13 X 8,5 cm | 42 euro
| | Goodrich
 | Godrich Castle Hereforshire by S. Turner Sparrow | 1784 | 16 X 11,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Grantchester
 | Grantchester church, Cambridgeshire by F. Carey | 1820ca | 11,5 X 7 cm | 21 euro
| | Gravesend
 | Gravesend by W. Tombleson | 1834 | 22,5 X 17,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Great Langdale: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Great Langdale | Halesowen: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Halesowen | Hastings: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Hastings | Haweswater
 | Hawes-Water, from Thwaite-Force, Westmorland by T. Allom, W. Le Petit | 1847 | 16 X 10 cm | 26 euro
| | Hemel Hampstead, Dover
 | Temple at Hemmelhemstead, Dovor Castle from Charlton Bridge by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 14,5 cm | 16 euro
| | Hertford
 | Panshanger, Herts. by S. Rawle, I. Baily | 1810 | 16 X 11 cm | 16 euro
| | High Wycombe
 | High Wycombe Church, north east view by William & Henry Rock | 1850ca | 9,5 X 7 cm | 21 euro
| | Hoddesdon
 | Rye House by S. Rawle | 1805 | 11 X 16,5 cm | 16 euro
| | Horton
 | Place House, in Horton, Buckinghamshire by Cook, E. Brerewood | 1791 | 15,5 X 11,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Hungerford: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Hungerford | Kendal
 | Keswick, Derwent, etc. from the road to Kendal by T. Allom, J. Phelps | 1847 | 17 X 10,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Kirkby
 | Kirkby, on the Blean, Co. Lincoln by E.C. | 1800 | 11,5 X 8,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Lambourn
 | Oaksey House, Wiltshire by nn | 1806 | 15,5 X 11,5 cm | 21 euro
| | Lancaster
 | Lancaster by J. Henderson, W. Finden | 1831 | 17 X 11,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Lichfield
 | Market place Lichfield, the birth-place of Dr. Johnson by N. Whittock | 1820ca | 18,5 X 13 cm | 32 euro
| | Lilleshall
 | LIlleshall Abbey, Shropshire by Matthews, W. Carter | 1813 | 15,5 X 12 cm | 42 euro
| | Lincoln, Marbury
 | South east view of Lincoln. Marbury Hall, Cheshire by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 13 cm | 16 euro
| | Liverpool: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Liverpool | Londen, London: 146 items | Visit our page of the city of Londen, London | London, Londen: 9 items | Visit our page of the city of London, Londen | London, Londen, Westminster, Borough of Southwark
 | A Correct plan of the cities of London, Westminster, Borough of Southwark including the Bills of .. by A. Bell, John Rocque | 1761 | 39.5 X 22 cm | sold
| | Lonsdale
 | The vale of Lonsdale by J. Henderson, W. Le Petit | 1840ca | 17,5 X 11,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Lulworth
 | Arched Rock, near West Lulworth by nn | 1825ca | 11 X 7 cm | 16 euro
| | Maidstone
 | St. Mary & All Saints College, at Maidstone, in Kent by Taylor | 1795 | 18,5 X 16 cm | 37 euro
| | Maidstone, Salisbury
 | Maidstone, Kent. View of Salisbury. by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 14 cm | 16 euro
| | Manchester: 4 items | Visit our page of the city of Manchester | Mardale
 | Small-water tarn; from Nanbield, looking into Mardale by T. Allom, J. Sands | 1847 | 16 X 10,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Margate
 | Margate pier, and harbour. Kent by W.H. Bartlett, J. Roberts | 1850ca | 18 X 11 cm | 37 euro
| | Middlesbrough
 | Ingleby Mannor by Johannes Kip | 1707 | 16,5 X 13,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Milford on Sea
 | Hurst castle, Lymington river, Hampshire by W. Floyd, naar A.G. Vickers | 1834 | 16 X 14 cm | 37 euro
| | Milnthorpe
 | Dallam Tower, near Milnthorp by W. le Petit, naar T. Allom | 1833 | 16,5 X 11,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Newark
 | Newark by William & Henry Rock | 1840ca | 16,5 X 9,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Newbury
 | Benham near Newbery by S. Rawle, J. Nixon | 1808 | 16,5 X 12 cm | 16 euro
| | Newcastle: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Newcastle | Newcastle upon Tyne: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Newcastle upon Tyne | Oxford: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Oxford | Penrith
 | Brougham Hall, Westmorland (England) by I.G. Martini | 1847 | 17,5 X 13,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Penzance, Jersey
 | Penzance & Stone pier. Elizabeth castle, Jersey by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 14,5 cm | 16 euro
| | Portsmouth
 | Portsmouth von der Salutirungs-Platform aus. by nn | 1850ca | 16,5 X 12 cm | 42 euro
| | Preston: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Preston | Richmond
 | View of Richmond, from the Thames, near Cholmondeley Walk by W.B. Cooke | 1850ca | 9,5 X 10 cm | 26 euro
| | Ripon
 | Ripon, from the road to Masham by N. Whittock, J. Rogers | 1840 | 16 X 11 cm | 26 euro
| | Ripon, North Yorkshire
 | Fountain Apátság, Labbaye de Fountain, Fountains Abtey by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 42 euro
| | Ross-on-Wye, Kirkby
 | The Elevation of Wilton Bridge, over the Wye, near ROSS, in Herefordshire by nn | 1753 | 19,5 X 11,5 cm | 42 euro
| | Rugby
 | N.W. View of the Chapel. Rugby School by E. Pretty | 1850ca | 15,5 X 11 cm | 42 euro
| | Rydal Water
 | Rydal Water and Grassmere, from Rydal park, Westmorland by G. Pickering, W.J. Cooke | 1845ca | 19 X 12,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Saint Michael´s Mount
 | Mount St Michael, Cornwall by C.G. Lewis | 1850ca | 19 X 11,5 cm | 42 euro
| | Salisbury
 | View of Salisbury, from Clarendon Park; The Old Council house at Salisbury by nn | 1790 | 10 X 17 cm | 32 euro
| | Sandwich
 | Map of Sandwich Richborough and its Environs by Bayly, G.B. | 1818 | 15,5 X 11 cm | 26 euro
| | Sankey
 | Chemin de Fer, Viaduc à travers la Vallée de Sankey by Lemaitre | 1840ca | 16 X 11,5 cm | 42 euro
| | Scarborough: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Scarborough | Sevenoaks: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Sevenoaks | Sheffield
 | Sheffield by C. Reiss, W. Wallis | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | sold
| | Shelton
 | Le chene d´Owen Glendower, à Shelton by nn | 1838 | 12 X 15,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Shrewsbury
 | Shrewsbury Abbey by S. Rawle, J. Nixon | 1809 | 11 X 17,5 cm | 16 euro
| | South Shields
 | Shields Harbour by nn | 1850ca | 19,5 X 13,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Southampton
 | The Water Gate, at Southampton by Eastgate & Myles | 1795 | 19 X 15 cm | 37 euro
| | Southgate
 | Culland´s Grove Southgate, the Seat of William Curtus Esqr. by S. Rawle | 1801 | 19 X 12,5 cm | 16 euro
| | Sprotbrough
 | Sprotbrough near Doncaster in the Country of York. by Johannes Kip | 1708 | 16,5 X 13,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Staindrop
 | Raby Castle, Durham by T. Allom, W. Le Petit | 1840ca | 16 X 10 cm | 26 euro
| | Stansted
 | Stansted in the county of Sussex by Pieter van der Aa, naar Johannes Kip | 1707 | 16,5 X 13,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Stockton-on-Tees
 | Stockton on Tees by T. Allom, W. Floyd | 1850ca | 16 X 10,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Stonehenge
 | Stonehenge by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | sold
| | Sunderland: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Sunderland | Surrey: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Surrey | Sutton
 | Sutton, Surrey by George Barnard | 1860ca | 32 X 24 cm | 47 euro
| | Swansea
 | Swansea in England by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 42 euro
| | Tavistock
 | The gateway at Tavistock abbey, Devonshire by S. Rawle, J. Nixon | 1810 | 11 X 17 cm | 16 euro
| | Teesdale
 | Caldron Shout, Teesdale, Durham by T. Allom, W. Le Petit | 1850ca | 16 X 10,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Thames, Themse
 | Die Mundung der Themse by Meyer | 1850ca | 15 X 9 cm | sold
| | Tilbury
 | Le Fort Tilbury by Lemaitre | 1840ca | 16 X 11,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Torquay
 | Tor Abbey, Devon by S. Rawle, J. Nixon | 1810 | 16,5 X 11,5 cm | 16 euro
| | Tynemouth
 | Tynemouth Abbey, Northumberland by T. Allom, W. Le Petit | 1840ca | 16 X 10 cm | 26 euro
| | Upshire
 | Warlies Park Essex by S. Rawle | 1806 | 14,5 X 11 cm | 16 euro
| | Ventnor
 | Ventnor by nn | 1870ca | 13 X 8,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Waltham Abbey
 | Waltham Abbey by S. Rawle | 1804 | 15,5 X 11 cm | 16 euro
| | Waltham Cross
 | Waltham Cross by Ridley, Shirt | 1800 | 12 X 16,5 cm | 16 euro
| | Westmorland: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Westmorland | Wight: 3 items | Visit our page of the city of Wight | Wight, Dover
 | Carisbrook Castle, Isle of Wight. Dovor Priory. by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 14,5 cm | 16 euro
| | Winchester
 | Winchester Cathedrale by nn | 1850ca | 12,5 X 18 cm | 47 euro
| | Winderlake, Lake District
 | Château de Stores sur le lac de Windermère by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 32 euro
| | Windermere: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Windermere | Windsor: 11 items | Visit our page of the city of Windsor | Wolverhampton
 | Tetenhall church, with a distant view of Wolverhampton by nn | 1796 | 16 X 10 cm | 32 euro
| | Woodstock, Blenheim
 | Blenheim by Meyer | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | sold
| | Woolwich
 | Woolwich by nn | 1850ca | 16,5 X 11,5 cm | 42 euro
| | Worsley
 | Entrée du Tunnel, à Worsley by Lemaitre | 1840ca | 15,5 X 11,5 cm | 37 euro
| | Wyddial
 | Wyddial Hall by nn | 1800ca | 10,5 X 5 cm | 16 euro
| | York
 | Howard Castle by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 32 euro
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