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Antique maps of Turkey

Antique maps of Turkey
last update: Aug-18-2023
Maps of Turkey on
thmbnail of Turkije (Oostelijk), BoelgariëTurkije (Oostelijk), Boelgarië
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
188020,5 X 14,5 cm19 euro
thmbnail of Bosporus, DardanellenBosporus, Dardanellen
by Winkler Prins
190621 X 14 cm19 euro
thmbnail of KaukasusländerKaukasusländer
by Richard Andree
189637 X 25 cm23 euro
thmbnail of Asiatische TürkeiAsiatische Türkei
by Richard Andree
189647 X 38 cm23 euro
thmbnail of West Azië IWest Azië I
by Winkler Prins
190527 X 23 cm26 euro
thmbnail of Regni Persici satraoiae unferiores 402 - 325Regni Persici satraoiae unferiores 402 - 325
by Menke
1860ca27 X 20 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Regnum Persicum Regnum Persicum
by Menke
1860ca27 X 20 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Regnum Persicum usque ad Herodoti temporaRegnum Persicum usque ad Herodoti tempora
by Friedrich im Baumgarten
1860ca27 X 20 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Zuid-Europa en Voor-Azie ten tijde van de Kruistochten; Koningrijk JeruzalemZuid-Europa en Voor-Azie ten tijde van de Kruistochten; Koningrijk Jeruzalem
by P.W.M. Trap
187628 X 22 cm32 euro
thmbnail of Het Balkan-SchiereilandHet Balkan-Schiereiland
by F. Bruins
188422 X 28 cm37 euro
thmbnail of Europeiska Turkiet, Grekland och Ioniska OarneEuropeiska Turkiet, Grekland och Ioniska Oarne
by Stieler
186825 X 21,5 cm42 euro
thmbnail of La Turquie en Europe sur les observations de l´Academie des Sciences de ParisLa Turquie en Europe sur les observations de l´Academie des Sciences de Paris
by A. Faure
174418 X 14 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Turquie D´EuropeTurquie D´Europe
by Migeon, Sengteller, Desbuissons
188128 X 40 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Turquie D´AsieTurquie D´Asie
by Migeon, Sengteller, Desbuissons
188137 X 31 cm52 euro
thmbnail of Nieuwe kaart van Irak Arabi, Kurdistan, Diarbek, Turkomannia, Syrië en het Heilige LandNieuwe kaart van Irak Arabi, Kurdistan, Diarbek, Turkomannia, Syrië en het Heilige Land
by Isaak Tirion
1745ca35 X 28,5 cm311 euro
thmbnail of Asia Peninsula sive Asia Intra Taurum Asia Peninsula sive Asia Intra Taurum
by Weigel
172037 X 31 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of REPRODUCTION: Turicum ImperiumREPRODUCTION: Turicum Imperium
by Willem and Joan Blaeu)
166251 X 40 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Lumen historiarum per occidentem. Fran. Haraei. Atntverpiae.Lumen historiarum per occidentem. Fran. Haraei. Atntverpiae.
by Goed Papierformaat is 66 X 54 cm Koeman: Ja-10-49
170047.5 X 38 cmsold
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thmbnail of Asiae MinorisAsiae Minoris
by Félix Delamarche
183238 X 26 cm cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Regni Persici satrapiae superiores Alexandri Magni temporeRegni Persici satrapiae superiores Alexandri Magni tempore
by Alt
1860ca27 X 20 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Europeesch-Turkije en GriekenlandEuropeesch-Turkije en Griekenland
by Emrik & Binger
187223 X 28,5 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Europisch Turkije en GriekenlandEuropisch Turkije en Griekenland
by A. Baedeker
185026,5 X 21,5 cmsold
information about map on
thmbnail of Premiere Partie de la Carte d´Asie Contenant la Turquie, l´Arabie, la Perse, l´IndPremiere Partie de la Carte d´Asie Contenant la Turquie, l´Arabie, la Perse, l´Ind
by d Anville, de la Haye
175177 X 73 cmsold
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Maps of regions in Turkey on

Tableau de la retraite des dix mille
by Félix Delamarche
183340 X 27 cm cm52 euro

Aziatisch Turkije
by Kuyper (Kuijper)
188220 X 15,5 cm19 euro

Plans of cities in Turkey on

Theatre de Macre (Asie Mineure)
by E. Breton
184316,5 X 11 cm26 euro
Çanakkal, Abydos
Abidos (Abydos, Çanakkal )
by nn
1650ca34 X 27 cm83 euro
Antakya, Antiochia
by nn
1850ca15 X 10 cm32 euro
Antioch, Antakya:
2 items
Visit our page of the city of Antioch, Antakya
Antiochie, Antakya:
2 items
Visit our page of the city of Antiochie, Antakya
Hippodrome d´Afrodisias (Asie Mineure)
by E. Breton, E. Bocquet
184316 X 10,5 cm32 euro
2 items
Visit our page of the city of Bosporus
Die Grosse Moschee in Brussa
by C. Reiss
1835ca15 X 10 cm21 euro
Broussa (in Klein-Asien)
by A.Geyer, W. French
1845ca17,5 X 12,5 cm32 euro
Cacamo, Caccamo
Grenier Romain, a Cacamo (Asie Mineure)
by E. Duverger
184316,5 X 10,5 cm26 euro
Interieur de las citadelle d´Halicarnasse (Asie Mineure)
by E. Breton, Lisbet
184316 X 11 cm32 euro
Istanboel, Istanbul:
4 items
Visit our page of the city of Istanboel, Istanbul
2 items
Visit our page of the city of Istanbul
Istanbul, Constantinopel:
2 items
Visit our page of the city of Istanbul, Constantinopel
Istanbul, Constantinople, Nova Roma, Byzantium:
2 items
Visit our page of the city of Istanbul, Constantinople, Nova Roma, Byzantium
Izmir, Smyrna
Smyrna in Kleinasien
by nn
1850ca15 X 10 cm32 euro
Pont sur le Rhyndacus (Asie Mineure)
by E. Breton
184316,5 X 11 cm32 euro
Nicea, Nicaea
Porte Nicee (Asie mineure)
by E. Breton, Lisbet
184316,5 X 11 cm21 euro
Die Residenz des Turkischen Pascha´s zu Orsova
by C. Reiss
1850ca15 X 10 cm32 euro
Sart, Sardis
by nn
1850ca15 X 10 cm32 euro
by A.Geyer, A.H. Payne
1840ca17,5 X 12,5 cm32 euro

Japan en Korea

Kuyper maps
Gemeente Waspik

J.H. van Zuylen van Nieveldt

Townplans and views
Nijmegen: Noviomagium, sive Noviomagum vulgo Nijmmegen ...

Books and atlasses
FACSIMILE: Gemeente-Atlas van de provincie Friesland 1861

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