last update: Sep-04-2023
Maps of Greece on atlasandmap.com |
| Title/Maker | Year | Measures | Price | |
|  | Griekenland by Winkler Prins | 1908 | 28 X 22 cm | 21 euro | |  | Historische kaart van het Oosters vraagstuk by Winkler Prins | 1910 | 27 X 22 cm | 23 euro | |  | Balkanhalbinsel by Richard Andree | 1896 | 37 X 47 cm | 23 euro | |  | Balkan-Schiereiland by Winkler Prins | 1905 | 27 X 23 cm | 26 euro | |  | Oud-Griekenland by Winkler Prins | 1908 | 28 X 22 cm | 26 euro | |  | Grece Turquie by Poussielgue Frêres | 1870 | 33 X 24 cm cm | 32 euro | |  | Griekenland en zijne volkplantingen; Italie omstreeks 500 by P.W.M. Trap | 1876 | 28 X 22 cm | 32 euro | |  | Oud-Griekenland; Athenae by P.W.M. Trap | 1876 | 22 X 28 cm | 32 euro | |  | Zuid-Europa en Voor-Azie ten tijde van de Kruistochten; Koningrijk Jeruzalem by P.W.M. Trap | 1876 | 28 X 22 cm | 32 euro | |  | Ancient Africa or Libya part 2 (with Crete/Kreta) by J en C Walker | 1840 | 40 X 31 cm cm | 37 euro | |  | Carte de la Grece anciene et moderne by A. Faure | 1744 | 18 X 15 cm | 37 euro | |  | Het Balkan-Schiereiland by F. Bruins | 1884 | 22 X 28 cm | 37 euro | |  | La Phocide, la Doride, et les Pays des Locriens by A. Tardieu | 1790ca | 21 X 15 cm | 37 euro | |  | Europeiska Turkiet, Grekland och Ioniska Oarne by Stieler | 1868 | 25 X 21,5 cm | 42 euro | |  | Graeciae Antiquae, Mappa Nova by Félix Delamarche | 1833 | 43 X 24 cm cm | 52 euro | |  | Griekenland en de Griekse Koloniën by De erven Thierry en Mensing | 1858 | 31,5 X 22 cm | 52 euro | |  | La Turquie en Europe sur les observations de l´Academie des Sciences de Paris by A. Faure | 1744 | 18 X 14 cm | 52 euro | |  | Turquie D´Europe by Migeon, Sengteller, Desbuissons | 1881 | 28 X 40 cm | 52 euro | |  | Grèce Moderne by Migeon, Sengteller, Desbuissons | 1881 | 37 X 30 cm | 52 euro | |  | Hongarije, Transsylvanië, Bulgarije, Macedonië by Sebastian Munster | 1575ca | 19 X 15,5 cm | 156 euro | |  | Asia intra Maeotim Pontum et mare Caspium by Weigel | 1720 | 38 X 31 cm | sold | |  | Griechenland by Richard Andree | 1896 | 37 X 25 cm | sold | |  | Graecia by De Erven Thierry en Mensing | 1858 | 31,5 X 22 cm | sold | |  | Europeesch-Turkije en Griekenland by Emrik & Binger | 1872 | 23 X 28,5 cm | sold | |  | Turquie d´Europe by Félix Delamarche | 1832 | 30 X 26 cm cm | sold | |  | Itala (Italia) namtellus Gracia maior by Joannes Jansonius | 1750ca | 52 X 38 cm | sold | |  | Europisch Turkije en Griekenland by A. Baedeker | 1850 | 26,5 X 21,5 cm | sold | |  | Aeneae Troiani navigatio by Ook Italië | 1700 | 49 X 39 cm | sold | |  | Hellas seu Graecia universa by Laurenberg, S | 1690ca | 56 X 46.5 cm | sold | |  | Hellas seu Graecia Sophiani by Papierformaat is 66 X 54 cm\r\nKoeman: Ja-10-26 | 1700 | 49 X 36 cm | sold | |
Plans of cities in Greece on atlasandmap.com |
Town | Title/Maker | Year | Measures | Price | |
| Athen, Athens, Athina: 2 items | Visit our page of the city of Athen, Athens, Athina | Athene: 6 items | Visit our page of the city of Athene | Athene, Athens
 | Athene by Winkler Prins | 1895ca | 27 X 23 cm | 21 euro
| | Corfu
 | Corfu by nn | 1850ca | 16,5 X 11,5 cm | 32 euro
| | Corinth, Korinth, Korinthos
 | Corinth by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 52 euro
| | Delphi
 | Delphi by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 15 cm | 21 euro
| | Euboea, Evia, Negroponte
 | Negroponte by nn | 1850ca | 10 X 15 cm | 42 euro
| | Ithaka, Ithaca
 | Ithaca by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 42 euro
| | Koroni
 | Veue de Coron du cote du Golfe by nn | 1688 | 16,5 X 13 cm | 83 euro
| | Kreta
 | Die Silber-cascade, Weisse Berge by nn | 1850ca | 12,5 X 17 cm | 32 euro
| | Lazaretto
 | Lazaretto by W.H. Bartlett | 1844 | 9,5 X 5 cm | 16 euro
| | Lefkada, Santa Maura
 | Sta Maura und die Griechische Kuste by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 52 euro
| | Mytilene
 | Mytilene by L. Deifel | 1836 | 15 X 11 cm | 52 euro
| | Olympus
 | Olympus by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 32 euro
| | Pyrgos
 | Aqueduct of the Greek emperors, near Pyrgo by W.H. Bartlett, R. Wallis | 1854 | 18,5 X 12,5 cm | 42 euro
| | Rhodos
 | Rhodes by Aubert | 1840ca | 15 X 11,5 cm | 26 euro
| | Rhodos, Rhodes
 | Maison des chevaliers de Rhodes (Asie Mineure) by E. Breton | 1843 | 16 X 11 cm | 26 euro
| | Salamis
 | Salamis by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 21 euro
| | Suli
 | Suli by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 32 euro
| | Tempe Valley
 | La Valle Tempe en Grece, Das Tempe - Thal in Griechenland, Tempe by nn | 1850ca | 15 X 10 cm | 16 euro
| | Thermopylae
 | Die Thermopylen (Griechenland) by nn | 1850ca | 16,5 X 12,5 cm | 26 euro
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