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Antique maps plans and views of Gent, Ghent in Belgium

Antique maps plans and views of Gent, Ghent in Belgium

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Gent, Ghent
Ghent, Hotel de Ville
by nn
185311 X 7 cm21 euro
Gent, Ghent
Great Canal, with Antique Gothic House
by T. Allom, J.B. Allen
184518 X 11 cm42 euro
Gent, Ghent
Place du Marais a Gand
by nn
1825ca22 X 14,5 cm42 euro
Gent, Ghent
Gandavum. Gent.
by Gabriel Bodenehr
172025 X 15,5 cm130 euro
Gent, Ghent
Vue du Couvent des Dominicains a Gand
by J.J. de Cloet
182520,5 X 15 cm42 euro
Gent, Ghent
La Barque de Bruges a Gand
by J.J. de Cloet
182521 X 14 cm42 euro
Gent, Ghent
Church of St. Bavon the Beffroi, and St. Nicholas, by Moonlight, Ghent
by T. Allom, W. Radclyffe
184112,5 X 15,5 cm32 euro
Gent, Ghent
Eglise du grand Beguinage a Gand
by de Peellaert, Sturm
182520 X 14,5 cm32 euro
Gent, Ghent
Le Vieux Bourg a Gand (Ancien Palais de Charles F)
by nn
1825ca14,5 X 21 cm32 euro
Gent, Ghent
St. Nicholas´ Church, Ghent
by W.H. Bartlett, J. Rogers
1840ca15,5 X 11 cm32 euro
Gent, Ghent
The Marche de Vendredi, Ghent
by W.H. Bartlett, A.H. Payne
1840ca15,5 X 10,5 cm26 euro
Gent, Ghent
Town Hall, Ghent
by W.H. Bartlett, A.H. Payne
1840ca15 X 10,5 cm26 euro
Gent, Ghent
Hotel de Ville (Gent)
by A.H. Payne
1850ca16,5 X 11 cm26 euro
Gent, Ghent
Eglise de St. Nicolas a Gand
by nn
1825ca21 X 15,5 cm32 euro
Gent, Ghent
by Captain R. Batty
182514 X 20,5 cm156 euro
Gent, Ghent
St. Michael´s church, Ghent
by W.H. Bartlett, A.H. Payne
1840ca15,5 X 11 cmsold

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