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Cartographers and Publishers
Würtz, Johann Gottfried Paris, Strasbourg, London 1768-1841 book/mapseller (together with Treuttel) details
Waagus, Jos. Augsburg 18th century engraver details
Wachsmuth, Michael B. Schaffhausen fl. 1760-1770 engraver details
Wagner, Giuseppe Venezia 1706-1786 engraver, book/mapseller, publisher details
Wagner, Matth„us Ulm 1648-1694 printer, publisher details
Walbert end 18th century engraver details
Walch, Johann Augsburg 1757-1816 engraver, publisher details
Wale, Samuel ?-1786 draughtsman, engraver details
Walker, Anthony London 1726-1765 draughtsman, engraver details
Walker, C. London 19th century engraver, publisher (with J. Walker as "J. and C. Walker") details
Walker, J. London 19th century engraver, publisher (with C. Walker as "J. and C. Walker") details
Wallis, Samuel 1728-1795 marine cartographer, ship's captain details
Walser, Gabriel Berneck, Speicher 1695-1776 priest, chronicler, geographer details
Walther, Johann Friedrich Berlin 1695-? teacher, organist, cartographer (plan of Berlin) details
Walther, Johann Georg Frankfurt a. M. ?-1697 engraver, publisher details
Walton, William 1st half 18th centur explorer (member of the Spanberg expedition to Siberia, Japan 1738/39) details
Wangensteen, Ove Andreas Norway ?-1763 military cartographer details
Watteau 18th century draughtsman, painter details
Wayland, L. New York active around 1800 publisher (with J. Reid and C. Smith) details
Weber (Offizin) Bratislava (?) 18th century book/mapseller (with J. M. Korabinszky) details
Weber, Carlo captain details
Weber, Johann Georg Augsburg 1st half 18th centur engraver details
Weddigen, Peter Florenz Minden ?-1808 preacher, poet, historian, chronicler details
Weid, Franz Peter von der Fribourg 1615-1688 surveyor details
Weidler, Johann Friedrich Wittenberg 1691-1755 mathematician, astronomer details
Weidner, Johann Gottfried Ludwig 1764-1823 official, translator details
Weigel, Christoph Nürnberg 1654-1725 engraver, art dealer, publisher details
Weigel, Christoph Nürnberg 1703/04-1777 publisher (with A. G. Schneider) details
Weigel, Christoph (Witwe) Nürnberg ?-1748 publisher, book/mapseller (after her husband's death 1725) details
Weigel, Johann Christoph NĂĽrnberg 1661-1726 engraver, art dealer details
Weis, Jean Martin Strasbourg end 18th century engraver details
Weise, Carl Ehrenfried Leipzig 1752-? engraver, draughtsman details
Weise, Gotthelf Wilhelm Dresden, Kassel 1750/51-1810 engraver, printer details
Weiss, Johann Heinrich Strasbourg 1759-1825 engineer, cartographer details
Weitbrecht, Johann Jakob Greifswald active ca. 1734-1761 book/mapseller, publisher details
Wenzely, Anton von ca. 1747-1825 cartographer details
Werden, Jacques van Belgium, Paris 17th century draughtsman details
Werner, Friedrich Bernhard 1690-1778 draughtsman, engraver details
Wessel, Caspar Denmark 1745-1815 Norwegian surveyor and mathematician details
Wessel, Ole Christopher Norway 1744-1794 surveyor, lawyer and general advocate details
Westenberg, Joann 17th century physician, mathematician, cartographer details
Westermayer, Peter Paul Wien 1756-1825 engraver details
Wetstein, Jacob Amsterdam fl. 1700-1730 publisher (with G. Smith), printer details
Wetstein, Johann Heinrich Basel, Amsterdam 1649-1726 publisher, printer details
Wetstein, Rudolf Amsterdam fl. 1700-1730 publisher (with G. Smith), printer details
Weyermann, Jakob Christoph Augsburg 1st half 18th centur engraver (for Seutter) details
Weygand, F. J. Amsterdam, 's-Gravenhage beginning 19th centu publisher details
Wheeler, George details
Whiston, William 1667-1752 astronomer details
Whitehand, Robert Bruxelles about 1680 engraver details
Wicheringe, Barthold Groningen 17th century cartographer details
Widman, Giorgio 2nd half 17th centur engraver (for Rossi) details
Wiebeking, Karl Friedrich von 1762-1842 hydraulic engineer, cartographer details
Wiehen, Johann Georg Wilhelm 18th century details
Wieland, Johann Wolfgang Austria ?-1736 military cartographer details
Wiering, Thomas von Hamburg ?-1703 printer, publisher details
Wiering, Thomas von (Erben/heirs) Hamburg active 1703-1813 printer (until 1742), publishers details
Will, Johann Martin Augsburg 1727-1806 engraver, book/mapseller details
Wille, Paul Chur, Ulm ?-1726 military engineer details
Willer, Peter Gdansk (Danzig) 2nd half 17th centur architect details
Willommet, Pierre Bern, Payerne 1652-1711 professor of mathematics, surveyor details
Willommet, Pierre Payerne 1698-1767 surveyor details
Winckelhofer, Augustin Salzburg 1771-1832 archaeologist, preacher, cartographer details
Winckellmann, Ludwig von Dresden ?-1804 printer, art dealer details
Winckler, Georg Gottfried Augsburg 18th century engraver details
Winter, Antonie de Amsterdam ca. 1652-after 1700 engraver details
Winter, Joseph Georg München 1751-1789 engraver, painter details
Winterbotham, William 1763-1829 editor ("The American Atlas", 1796) details
Wit, Frederick de Amsterdam 1610-1698 engraver, cartographer, publisher details
Wit, Frederick de Amsterdam 1630-1706 engraver, cartographer, publisher details
Witsen, Nicolaas Amsterdam 1641-1717 cartographer, geographer, politician details
Wolf, Caspar 1735-1783 landscape-painter details
Wolff, Gottfried Wilhelm Berlin ?-1782 engraver details
Wolff, Jeremias Augsburg 1663-1724 publisher, book/mapseller details
Wolfius, Johannes Regensburg 16th century rector, draughtsman details
Wren, Matthew about 1760 cartographer details
Wright, Benjamin 1575-1613 engraver (for Magini) details
Wussin, Joseph cartographer (for Schr„mbl) details
Wyss, Caspar Leontius Neuenstadt 1762-1798 engraver, painter details
W„gmann, Hans Heinrich 1557-ca. 1628 painter details

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