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Antique maps plans and views of ´s-Hertogenbosch in Netherlands

Antique maps plans and views of ´s-Hertogenbosch in Netherlands

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maps of Netherlands
´s Hertogenbosch. St. Antonius-Kapel
by F. Foltz naar Chr. Schüler
1860ca16 X 15 cm63 euro
Markt te ´s Hertogenbosch
by nn
184115 X 12 cm26 euro
L´Eglise Cathedrale de St. Jean Evangeliste a Bois-le-Duc
by F. Pilsen
1750ca19,5 X 14,5 cm42 euro
´s Hertogenbosch. De St. Janskerk
by J.M. Kolb, Chr. Schuler
185817 X 14 cm94 euro
Groote Markt
by nn
185712,5 X 9 cm32 euro
Bois-le-Duc: l´Eglise Saint-Jean (facade meridionale)
by nn
188112 X 8,5 cm26 euro
Bois-le-Duc: la campagne inondee
by nn
18819 X 5 cm16 euro
Bois-le-Duc: la campagne inondee
by nn
18819 X 5 cm16 euro
Maison de Ville de Bois le Duc
by J. Harrewijn
1750ca12,5 X 19 cm47 euro
´s Hertogenbosch. St. Janskerk
by nn
1900ca10,5 X 12,5 cm16 euro
Doorsnede en perspectief van de St. Janskerk
by C.C.A. Last, P. Blommers
185721 X 15 cm32 euro
Vertrek van den hertog van Wolffenbuttel, uit ´s Hertogenbosch, den 15 Octobr. 1784
by nn
1790ca10 X 8,5 cm32 euro
Het Zwanenbroedershuis
by Tollenaar
18398 X 14 cm32 euro
Vue de la ville de Bois-le-Duc. Gezicht van de Stad s´ Hertogensbosch
by nn
1780ca26,5 X 13 cm207 euro
Bois-le-Duc, Chaire de la Cathedrale. ´s Hertogenbosch
by nn
1900ca10,5 X 16 cm16 euro
l´Eglise cathedrale de S. Jean l´evangeliste a Bois Le Duc
by J. Harrewijn
1700ca20 X 15,5 cmsold

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