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Antique maps plans and views of Niagara Falls in Canada

Antique maps plans and views of Niagara Falls in Canada

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Niagara Falls
Die Schnellen des Niagara
by nn
1850ca16 X 10,5 cm32 euro
Niagara Falls
Die Schnellen des Niagara
by nn
1850ca16 X 10,5 cm37 euro
Niagara Falls
Die Schnellen des Niagara
by nn
1850ca15,5 X 10 cm32 euro
Niagara Falls
Der Niagara-Fall
by nn
1850ca15,5 X 10 cm37 euro
Niagara Falls
Der Niagara-Fall
by nn
1850ca15,5 X 10 cm37 euro
Niagara Falls
Niagara-Fall (Horseshoe-Fall)
by nn
1850ca16 X 11 cm32 euro
Niagara Falls
Niagara Fall (Allgemeine Ansicht vom Clifton House)
by nn
1850ca16 X 10,5 cm32 euro
Niagara Falls
Table Rock am Niagara Fall
by nn
1850ca10,5 X 16 cm37 euro
Niagara Falls
Table Rock am Niagara Fall
by nn
1850ca10,5 X 16 cm32 euro
Niagara Falls
Der Niagaraflufs
by A.H. Payne
1840ca11 X 17 cm32 euro
Niagara Falls
Niagara Fall (Allgemeine Ansicht vom Clifton House)
by nn
1850ca16 X 10,5 cm32 euro
Niagara Falls
Der Fall des Niagara vom Clifton House aus
by A.H. Payne
1850ca15,5 X 10,5 cm32 euro
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
by W.H. Bartlett, J. C. Bentley
184119 X 12,5 cm32 euro

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Townplans and views
Leiden: Lugdunum Batavorum, Leyden in Hollant

Books and atlasses
FACSIMILE: Gemeente-Atlas van de provincie Friesland 1861

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