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Cartographers database: Priorato, Galeazzo Gualdo, Engraver, Military engineer
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cartographers database atlasandmap globePriorato, Galeazzo Gualdo

Detail information
name:Priorato, Galeazzo Gualdo
also known as:Priorato, G.G.
lived in1608-1678
job:Engraver, Military engineer

Historian of great reputation in his days, led an adventureous life, fighting in several wars, being shipwrecked, travelled to Brasil, visited Africa, fulfilled many delicate missions, and the sovereigns of the day hurried to give him all sorts of honors: 'Les souvereins s'empressèrent à l'envi de le combler d'honneurs. Il fut chevalier de St.-Michel de France et de St.-Marc de Venise; le pape lui conféra le titre de noble romain; la reine Christine de Suède le nomma son premier gentilhomme, et enfin l'empereur Leopold Ier le fit son conseiller et historiographe' (Michaud).

Author of Teatro del Belgio 'o sia descritione delle Diecisette Provincie del Medesimo; Con le Piante delle Città, e Fortezze Principali; da chi al presente possesse; come, in qual modo, & in qual tempo acquistate.= Atlas of town plans and fortifications in the Low Countries


Examples of the work (maps) of:
Priorato, Galeazzo Gualdo
Brugge, Brugges17th-18th

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